University of Virginia Library


Friday 18th.. April 1806

Early this morning I was awoke by an indian man of the
Chopunnish Nation who informed me that he lived in the
neighbourhood of our horses. this man delivered me a bag
of powder and ball which he had picked up this morning at
the place the goods were exposed yesterday. I had a fire
made of some poles purchased of the nativs at a short distance
from the houses and the articles exposed as yesterday. Collected


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the 4 horses purchased yesterday and sent Frazier and
Shabono with them to the bason where I expected they would
meet Cap L—s and commence the portage of the baggage on
those horses, about 10 A. M. the Indians came down from
the Eneesher Villages and I expected would take the articles
which they had laid by yesterday. but to my estonishment
not one would make the exchange to day. two other parcels
of goods were laid by, and the horses promised at 2 P.M. I
payed but little attention to this bargain, however suffered the
bundles to lye. I dressed the sores of the principal Chief
gave some small things to his children and promised the chief
some Medicine for to cure his sores. his wife who I found
to be a sulky Bitch and was somewhat efflicted with pains in
her back. this I thought a good oppertunity to get her on
my side giveing her something for her back. I rubed a little
camphere on her temples and back, and applyed worm flannel
to her back which she thought had nearly restored her to her
former feelings. this I thought a favourable time to trade
with the chief who had more horses than all the nation besides.
I accordingly made him an offer which he excepted and sold
me two horses. Great numbers of Indians from defferent
derections visited me at this place to day. none of them
appeared willing to part with their horses, but told me that
several were comeing from the plains this evening. among
other nations who visit this place for the purpose of trade is
the Skad-datt's those people bartered the Skillutes to play at
a singular kind of game. in the course of the day the Skillutes
won all their beeds skins arrows &c. This game was composed
of 9 men on a side. they set down opposit to each other at
the distance of about 10 feet. in front of each party a long
pole was placed on which they struck with a small stick to the
time of their songs. after the bets were made up which was
nearly half an hour after they set down, two round bones was
produced about the size of a mans little finger or something
smaller and 2 1/4 inches in length. which they held in their
hands changeing it from one hand to the other with great
dexterity. 2 men on the same side performed this part, and
when they had the bone in the hand they wished, they looked


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at their advorsarys swinging arms around their sholders for
their advorsary [to] Guess which they performed by the motion
the hand either to the right or left. if the opposit party
guessed the hand of both of the men who had the bone, the
bones were given to them. if neither the bones was retained
and nothing counted. if they guessed one and not the other,
one bone was delivered up and the party possessing the other
bone counted one. and one for every time the advorsary missguessed
untill they guessed the hand in which the bone was in.
in this game each party has 5 sticks. and one side wins all the
sticks, once twice or thrice as the game may be set. I
observed another game which those people also play and is
played by 2 persons with 4 sticks about the size of a mans
finger and about 7 inches in length. two of those sticks are
black and the other 2 white and something larger than the
black ones. those sticks they place in different positions
which they perform under a kind of trencher made of bark
round and about 14 inches diameter. this is a very intricate
game and I cannot sufficently understand to discribe it. the
man who is in possession of the sticks &c places them in different
positions, and the opposit party tels the position of the
black sticks by a motion of either or both of his hands &c. this
game is counted in the same way as the one before mentioned.
all their games are accompanied with songs and time. at 3
P.M. Sergt. Ordway & three men arived from Cap Lewis
they brought with them several Elk skins, two of my coats
and 4 robes of the party to add to the stores I had with me
for the purchase of horses. Sgt. O. informed me that Cap L.
had arived with all the canoes into the bason 2 miles below
and wished some dogs to eate. I had 3 dogs purchased and
sent down, at 5 P. M. Capt. Lewis came up. he informed
me that he had [passed] the river to the bason with much
dificuelty and danger, haveing made one portage. as I had
not slept but very little for the two nights past on account of
mice & Virmen with which those indian houses abounded,
and haveing no blanket with me, and the means of keeping a
fire sufficent to keep me worm out [of doors] was too expensive
I deturmined to proceed with Capt L. down to camp at


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the bason. I left the articles of Merchendize &c. with Drewyer,
Werner, Shannon & Goodrich untill the morning. at
the bason we cut up two of our Canoes for fire wood, verry
much to the sagreen [chagrin] of the nativs notwithstanding
they would give us nothing for them. In my absence several
Inds. visited Capt. Lewis at his camp among others was the
great Chief of the Chilluckkitquaw who continued with him
untill he left Rock fort camp. Capt. L. had 12 pack saddles
completed and strings prepared of the Elk skins for Lashing
the loads he also kept out all the hunters who killed just
deer enough for the party with him to subsist on. The Chief
who had visited Capt Lewis promised him that he would bring
some horses to the bason and trade with him. but he was not
as good as his word. Capt. Lewis gave a large Kittle for a
horse which was offered to him at the bason this evening.