University of Virginia Library

Nov. 10-16

Dave spent yesterday at Uncle Bob's and comes home early this morning and brings good news. Sister Mary has a little daughter born Nov. 9, 1861, I suppose last night. Ellen Lewis writes me a note to tell me, the good news. Now a new niece born in The Southern Confederacy during the administration of Jeff Davis. Hope if she lives, she may prove a true saint, a great woman. On Sunday hear Mr. Norton preach .... a lovely sermon ....He sought to prove that those who called themselves Christians had not sufficient faith and trust in the power of His might now in this time of trouble; that the great multitudes of Christians now in the Valley of Decision were passing though a fiery furnance and while many would fall many would come forth seven times purified. I wish some of our soldier boys could have heard it. It might have brought comfort to their ears ....Ma is off on a visit. Make Met a new Cap; not pleasant work. Sally very poorly in health and spirits. Friday the 15th [is] the fast day appointed by President Davis. Sally and I take a walk to town escorted by Dave on foot and Daddy on Pat horse; have a hard time. Ma gets home Saturday and brings word they have a sick family at Music Hall; measles and fever and other ailments. David Crocket [a servant] is very ill with fever. The baby is to be called Annie Laurie after her two grandmothers. Brother Jim and some of the children wanted her called after me but the majority were in favor of honoring the Grandmothers. Brother Jim thinks Sally and I had better not come down now as we could be of no use in the way of nursing and there is danger of our taking the fever. I feel much trouble about them all to think of the dreaded measles and so many to have them; all the children and most of the servants. But we must not grieve too much o'er coming evils but trust all to Him who does not willingly afflict any of his people.