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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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24th. September Monday 1804—

Set out early a fair day the wind from the E. pass the
mouth of Creek on the L. S. Called Creek on high Water,
(High Water) passed (1) a large Island on the L. S. about 2
Miles & 1/2 long on which Colter had Camped & Killed 4
Elk, the wind fair from the S. E. we prepared Some Clothes
and a fiew Meadels for the Chiefs of the Teton's bands of
Seoux which we expect to See to day at the next river, observe
a great Deel of Stone on the Sides of the hills on the
S. S. we Saw one Hare, to day, prepared all things for


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Action in Case of necessity, our Perogus went to the Island
for the Meet, Soon after the man on Shore run up the bank
and reported that the Indians had Stolen the horse We Soon
after Met 5 Inds. and ankered out Som distance & Spoke to
them informed them we were friends, & Wished to Continue
So but were not afraid of any Indians, Some of their young
men had taken the horse Sent by their Great father for their
Cheif and we would not Speek to them untill the horse was
returned to us again.

passed (2) a Island on the S. S. on which we Saw Several
Elk, about 1 1/2 Miles long Called Good humered [humoured]
Isld. Came to about 1 1/2 Miles above off the Mouth of a
Small river about 70 yards wide Called by Mr. Evens the
Little Mississou [Missouri] River, The Tribes of the Seauex
Called the Teton, is Camped about 2 Miles up on the N. W.
Side, and we Shall Call the River after that Nation, Teton[38]
This river is 70 yards wide at the mouth of Water, and has a
considerable Current we anchored off the mouth

the french Perogue Come up early in the day, the other did
not Get up untill in the evening Soon after we had Come too.
I went & Smoked with the Chiefs who came to See us here
all well, we prepare to Speek with the Indians tomorrow at
which time we are informed the Indians will be here, the
French Man who had for Some time been Sick, began to
blead which allarmed him 2/3 of our party Camped on board
the remainder with the Guard on Shore.


Also known as Bad River. Near its mouth was Fort Pierre (begun in 1831),
named for Pierre Chouteau. —Ed.