University of Virginia Library

April 7-13

No church in consequence of the rainy weather. Do some reading to the children and to myself. The young ones are much instructed in The Pilgrim's Progress. In the evening I'm charmed and made so happy by receiving a letter from my own Emily; the Dear child is well and happy. It is such a nice long letter, 12 pages, and did my heart good. Oh, how interested she is in her work. A letter also from Lizzie Dee; she tells me she missed me. No particular news. Miss Vallant has some chickens and Sue Stanford [Bacon] was expected in Virginia either Friday or Saturday. I'm so glad Sue is coming among us again for we all love her much. Sue and John with us all the week. They had fixed upon Wednesday to go home but with a little begging agreed to stay until Saturday. It was well they did for it rained hard Saturday the 6th to Wednesday and the water was so high there was no crossing it and a part of the railroad was washed away so they could not have gotten off. We spend a happy but quiet week. Mammy Eliza gets Ellen ready to go home with Sue. I hope she may be satisfied for I think it will do her good to go. Sue will teach her and manage her too. Saturday they start off but do not get away from town in consequence of the railroad being washed up and soon after dinner they found their way back to Pantops. We are so glad to see them again. News Today! Fort Sumpter has been taken by the South Carolinians. The War has commenced and What is Virginia about? why won't she move?