University of Virginia Library


Tuesday April 8th. 1806.

The wind blew so violently this morning that we were
obliged to unlode our perogues and canoes, soon after which


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they filled with water.[10] being compelled to remain during the
day at our present station we sent out some hunters in order
to add something to our stock of provisions; and exposed our
dryed meat to the sun and the smoke of small fires. in the
evening the hunters returned having killed a duck only; they
saw two bear and some of the blacktailed jumping or fallow
deer, such as are found about Fort Clatsop; this kind of deer
are scarce in this neighbourhood, the common longtailed fallow
deer being most abundant. we have seen the black bear only
in this quarter. the wind continued without intermission to
blow violently all day. I took a walk today of three miles
down the river; in the course of which I had an opportunity
to correct an errow [error] which I have heretofore made with
rispect to the shrub I have hithertoo called the large leafed
thorn. the leaf of this thorn is small being only ab[o]ut 21/2
inches long, is petiolate, conjugate; the leafets are petiolate
accutely pointed, having their margins cut with unequal angular
insissures. the shrub which I have heretofore confounded
with this grows in similar situations, has a stem precisely like
it except the thorn and bears a large three loabed leaf.[11] this
bryer is of the class Polyandria and order Polygynia. the
flowers are single, the peduncle long and celindric. the calix
is a perianth, of one leaf, five cleft & accutely pointed. the
perianth is proper, erect, inferior with rispect to both petals
and germen, and equal. the corolla consists of five accute pale
scarlet petals, insirted in the recepticle with a short and narrow
claw, the Corolla is smooth, moderately long, situated at the
base of the germen, permanent, and cup shaped. of the
stamens the filaments are subulate, inserted into the recepticle,
unequal and bent inwards concealing the pistillum; anther
two loabed and inflected situated on the top of the fillaments
of the pistillum the germ is conical, imbricated, superior, sessile
and short. the styles are short with rispect to the stamen,


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capillary smooth, obtuse, distributed over the serface of the
germ and deciduous. no perseptable stigma. late at night
the centinel detected an old indian man in attempting to creep
into camp in order to pilfer; he allarmed the indian very much
by presenting his gun at him; he gave the fellow a few stripes
with a switch and sent him off. this fellow is one of a party
of six who layed incamped a few hundred yards below us, they
departed soon after this occurrence.


Some of the men are complaining of rheumatic pains, which are to be expected
from the wet and cold we suffered last winter; during which, from the 4th of November
1805, to the 25th of March, 1806, there were not more than twelve days in which
it did not rain, and of these but six were clear.—Gass (pp. 283, 284).


This briar is Rubus macropetalus, while the broad-leaved thorn is doubtless R.
.—C. V. Piper.