Feb. 10-16
No church on account of the bad roads. The 13th is Ash Wednesday the beginning of that holy season set apart
by my loved church for repenting and humiliation which calls for many prayers. Oh, that I may so live during
this precious seasons that it may not pass without leaving me a blessing! Mary Lewis, Nannie and I go to town
the last of the week and stay with cousin Lou and I am thus enabled to get to church once more, the first time
since the Sunday before Xmas. Spend the day at Orange Dale. Also get out to sister Betty's. The little baby has
grown so much and is such a sweet little thing. She is called Aurora Cornelia after two Miss Lewis friends of
the family....David and Met were at Mr. Brown's Saturday night and we had a truly pleasant time. Handsome
Boylen (the Bishop) was very agreeable. Mr. Brown and I have a settlement of our affairs and I pay all my
debts which makes me feel quite comfortable.