University of Virginia Library

26. An Expansion of Salve Regina


B.M. Addit. MS. 37049

Salve Regina
Hayl! oure patron & lady of erthe,
qwhene of heuen & emprys of helle,
Moder of al blis þu art, þe ferth,
Of mercy & grace þe secunde welle.
lyfe come of þe, as þe sownde of a bell
Swetnes, þu art both moder & mayde,
Oure hope with þe þat we may dwelle
Hayl! ful of grace as gabriel sayd.
To þe oure socour, our helpe, oure trust,
We crye, we pray, we make oure complaynt,
Exylde to pryson fro gostly lust.
þe childer of adam, þat so was ataynte
Of eue our moder, here, ar we dreynte.
To þe, þat byndes þe fendes whelpe,
We sighe, we grone; we wax al faynte
Wepyng for sorow, gode lady, now helpe!


Wepyng for syn & for oure payne,
In þis derknes oure tyme we spende;
Of teres þe comforth is a swete rayne,
In þe wayle of grace it will discende.
Hafe done, gode lady, grace is þi frende;
þerfore send vs sum of þi grace.
Oure aduocate, make vs a-fore our ende
Oure synnes to wesche whils we hafe space.
Þi mercyful eene & lufly loke
Cast opon vs for oure disporte.
And Ihū, þi babe, þat þi flesche toke,
So blyssed a lord, make vs supporte,
Þat fruyt of lyfe may vs comfort.
Of þi wome þe fruyt may suffyse
To vs, whorby we may resorte,
Aftyr þis exyle, to paradyse.
Exyle is greuos in þis derk werre;
Schewe vs þi lust, þe stronger to fyght.
Benygne lady & our se sterre,
O buxum lanterne, gyf vs þi lyght.
O meke, o chaste, o blistfull syght,
O swete, o kynde, o gentyll & fre,
Mary, with Ihū þat Ioyful knyght,
Hayle & fare wele! & þinke on me!