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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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By the time the Plan of St. Gall was drawn, the abbot
had become lord of a vast and ramified system of manorial
estates which placed him economically and socially on a
par with many of the leading secular lords of the empire.
It was as landowner and as landlord of tenants and vassals
that the abbot became subject to military assessments.

At the time of St. Benedict it would have been unthinkable
that the abbot participate in any military activities.
But in the kingdom of the Franks the monasteries were held
to contribute their share of the country's defense and although
numerous public laws forbade that the abbots
should personally ride into battle,[29] the emperors did not
hesitate to order them to the rallies that preceded military
campaigns with their armed and mounted vassals, and to
specify the number of wagons and the volume of other
military gear and provisions, to be taken along on these


For more details, see below, pp. 342ff.


Karoli ad Fulradum epistola, cf. below, p. 347; and Prinz, 1971,