University of Virginia Library

Nov. 25-Dec 1

Too cold for church. Have a quiet nice day with Miss Vallant. Sam here all day. He and our little Englishman have a very animated discussion after supper on the policy of the English government towards Ireland. Poor downtrodden Ireland. In considering, think that under any other rule, the Emerald Isle would be the finest portion of this globe and show that the Irish are Not capable of improvement Allow them as many indulgences as you will. Very quiet times this week. I make acquaintance with Miss Jameson. Her style of writing is very sprightly and agreeable though there is little originality about her. Finish Dr. Mahan's Church History and am highly pleased. Get to work on my numerous counterpanes. Commence one of worsted pieces. Mary Lewis at Mr. Maury's all this week. Very lonely in the Lodge by myself ....[Letters written and received.]