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Page 279

Monday 21st of July 1806

This morning I was informed that Half of our horses were
absent. Sent out Shannon Bratten and Shabono to hunt them.
Shabono went up the river Shanon down and Bratten in the
bottom near Camp, Shabono and Bratten returned at 10 A M
and informed me that they saw no Signs of the horses. Shannon
proceeded on down the river about 14 Miles and did not
return untill late in the evening, he was equally unsuckcessfull.
Shannon informed me that he Saw a remarkable large Lodge
about 12 miles below, covered with bushes and the top Deckorated
with Skins &c. and had the appearance of haveing been
built about 2 years. I sent out two men on hors back to kill
a fat cow which they did and returned in 3 hours the men
work very diligently on the canoes one of them nearly
finished ready to put in the water. Gibsons wound is beginning
to heal. I am in great hope that it will get well in time
for him to accompany Sgt. Pryor with the horses to the Mandans.
This evening late a very black cloud from the S.E.
accompanied with Thunder and lightning with hard winds
which Shifted about and was worm and disagreeable. I am
apprehensive that the Indians have Stolen our horses, and
probably those who had made the Smoke a new days passed
towards the S.W. I determined to have the ballance of the
horses guarded and for that purpose sent out 3 men. on their
approach near the horses were so alarmed that they ran away
and entered the woods and the men returned. a Great number
of Geese which raise their young on this river passed down
frequently Since my arival at this place. we appear to be in
the beginning of the buffalow Country. the plains are butifull
and leavel but the soil is but thin Stoney and in maney parts
of the plains & bottoms there are great quantity of prickly
pears. Saw Several herds of buffalow Since I arived at this
Camp also antelops, wolves, pigions, Dovs, Hawks, ravins,
crows, larks, Sparrows, Eagles & bank martins &c. &c. The
wolves which are the constant attendants of the Buffalow are
in great numbers on the Scents of those large gangues which
are to be Seen in every direction in those praries