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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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The placing of this complex on the axis of the main
church recalls a scheme that was in use in Early Christian
times in the eastern parts of the Roman empire, in such
places as the sanctuary of Menas in Abu Mina, Egypt,
fourth to fifth century,[301] the cathedral of Gerasa (Jerash,
Palestine, ca. 400), and the church of St. Theodor, in the
same town, 494-96 (fig. 243),[302] as well as an early Byzantine
complex at Ephesus, in Asia Minor.[303] In all of these places
several churches were arranged in sequence, one behind
the other, along the same axis. The prototype of this
arrangement may have been the Constantinian Anastasis
Church at Jerusalem.[304] A striking early medieval parallel
existed at St. Augustine's Abbey at Canterbury (fig. 244).
There, three churches, aligned east to west, were built in
Saxon times (SS. Peter and Paul, 598-616; St. Pancras,
before 613; St. Mary, about 618) and a fourth one at the time
of Abbot Wulfric (d. 1059).[305] Undoubtedly, there were
others;[306] the majority of the early medieval twin or cluster
churches, however, were laid out in lateral sequence or in
rather haphazard fashion.


Wulff, 1914, 288, fig. 226. Cf. Ward-Perkins, 1949, 26-71 and
Krautheimer, 1965, 85-86.


See Crowfoot, 1941, 41-46, 110, and fig. 4.


Wulff, op. cit., 256, fig. 247.


Conant, 1942, Pl. VI, b and Pl. VII.


Clapham, 1955, 9ff.


On the problem of double, triple, and cluster churches, see E.
Lehmann, 1962, 21-37 (and the bibliography there on 35, note 4); and
Hubert, 1963, 105-25 (bibliography on 106, note 9).

In dealing with double or cluster churches one has to use some caution.
In many cases, where churches are said to be built in axial sequence, they
could actually never have been seen in the manner in which they are
shown on the plan, because a new and larger church was not added to
another one in formal extension of the latter, but axially superimposed,
taking its place. I have in mind such churches as those at Nantes, Paris,
Beauvais, and Reims; see Hubert, 1938, 40; and idem, 1952a, pl. XVI
fig. 24 (Nantes), pl. IX fig. 30 (Paris), pl. X fig. 31 (Beauvais), and pl.
XI, fig. 33 (Reims).