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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Thursday 10th. July 1806

last night was very cold and this morning everything was
white with frost and the grass stiff frozend. I had some water
exposed in a bason in which the ice was 3/4 of an inch thick
this morning. I had all the Canoes put into the water and
every article which was intended to be sent down put on board,
and the horses collected and packed with what fiew articles I


Page 256
intend takeing with me to the River Rochejhone, and after
brackfast we all Set out at the same time & proceeded on
Down Jeffersons river on the East Side through Sarviss (Service)
Vally[11] and rattle snake mountain and into that butifull
and extensive Vally open and fertile which we call the beaver
head Vally which is the Indian name. in their language Har-na
Hap-pap Chah
,[12] from the No. of those animals in it and a pt. of
land resembling the head of one. this Vally extends from the
rattle snake Mountain down Jeffersons river as low as fraziers
Creek above the bighorn mountain and is from 12 (10) to 30
(15) Miles in width and [blank space in MS.] (about 50) miles
on a direct line in length and Jeffersons river in passing through
this Vally re[ce]ives. Mc. Neals Creek, Track Creek, Phalanthrophy
river, Wisdom river, Fields river and Fraziers Creek[13]
each throw in a considerable quantity of water and have innoumerable
beaver and otter on them; the bushes in their low
bottoms are the resort for great numbers of Deer, and [in] the
higher parts of the Vally we see Antelopes scattered feeding.
I saw also on the sides of the rock in rattle snake mountain 15
big horn animals, those animals feed on the grass which grow
on the Sides of the Mountn. and in the narrow bottoms on
the Water courses near the Steep sides of the mountains on
which they can make their escape from the pursute of wolves
Bear &c. at Meridian I halted to let the horses Graze haveing
come 15 Miles. I ordered the (canoes) to land. Sergt. Ordway
informed me that the party with him had come on very
well, and he thought the canoes could go as farst as the horses
&c. as the river now become wider and not so sholl, I deturmined
to put all the baggage &c. which I intend takeing with
me to the river Rochejhone in the canoes and proceed on
down with them myself to the 3 forks or Madisons & galletens
rivers. leaveing the horses to be taken down by Sergt. Pryor
and 6 of the men of the party to accompany me to the river
Rochejhone and directed Sergt. Pryor to proceed on moderately


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and if possible encamp with us every night, after dinner had
my baggage put on board and Set out, and proceeded on
tolerable well to the head of the 3000 Mile Island on which
we had encamped on the (11th) of Augt. last.[14] the canoes passed
six of my encampments assending, opposit this island I encamped
on the East side. the Musquetors were troublesom
all day and untill one hour after Sunset when it became cool
and they disappeared. in passing down in the course of this
day we saw great numbers of beaver lying on the Shores in the
Sun. wild young Gees and ducks are common in this river.
we killed two young gees this evening. I saw several large
rattle snakes in passing the rattle Snake Mountain they were


l An allusion to the quantity of service berries which were found in this valley on
the outward journey. See vol. ii, p. 359, ante.—Ed.


Still known as Beaverhead Valley, with Dillon as its metropolis.—Ed.


For these affluents, see our vol. ii, pp. 296, 316, 344.—Ed.


See vol. ii, p. 332.—Ed.