University of Virginia Library

Aug. 12-18

A continuation of Mr. Meade's last Sunday sermon...Jennie Toole and her little sister leave on Tuesday evening. Kind of lonely this evening; such feelings often come over me now. Daddy very sick this week. Dr. Leitch sent for in the night to see him. Sam, our friend in need, is with us for a day and night. Daddy is much better by Friday. I'm very much troubled at not having a letter from Sue. Cannot think she would neglect me so long. On Friday the letter comes. It has been missent and was written a week ago. Sue and John will perhaps be up on Tuesday. Hear that Miss Carrie Morrill will teach school at Mr. Maury's. I'm real glad; hope she may find a pleasant home and they may like her. I'm very busy with my block work. Sam watches it with much interest. Have a good many of my flower roots taken up and some of them put back again. I write to Sally Williamson to tell her I could not visit her at this time. It is a disappointment to me but I hope still to make it out at some future day. A walk with the children to see a Ground Hog dug out. Quite an exciting scene; the dogs barking and the children screaming. On Saturday I go over to meet Sue and John at the Depot. They arrive in due season. She is looking well and happy. Seems much pleased to be with us again. She brings me a beautiful copy of Tennyson's poems and a picture of herself that I prize much. Everyone at Ashland seems to be very agreeable to her. They are all so kind and do everything in their power to make her happy and comfortable. She gives us an account of poor Prissy. She deserves a better fate. How little we thought when so happy as school mates that in a few short years one of our little band would have to experience such trials as have been her lot but such is life. It is indeed good and kind in the wise one above to fling destiny's cloud o'er the face of our years so we may not know the sorrows that we have in store for us and so enjoy the bright moments as they pass. Sam is with us. Daddy is much better.