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This Naucrates, whom I did wish to meet,
Was not on board; nor found I any one,
At home, or in the city, that had seen him.
I've crawl'd through ev'ry street, been at the ridinghouse,


At the perfumers, the exchange, the market,
The wrestling ring, the forum, at the barbers,
Th'apothecaries shops, at all the temples.—
I'm tir'd with searching;—no where can I find him.—
I'll now go home, and of my wife proceed
To make enquiry,—who 'twas, for whose sake
She gave her body up to prostitution;
For it were better I were dead than leave
This search unfinish'd.
(Going to the door, finds it shut.)
They have bar'd the door!

'Tis very fine!—just like their other doings!—
But I'll make bold to knock, and soundly too. (knocks)

Open the door—Hola there—Who's within?
Open the door, I say—Will no one open?