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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Friday July 4th. 1806

I order three hunters to Set out early this morning to hunt
& kill some meat, and by 7 A. M. we collected our horses
took brackfast and Set out proceeded on up the Vally on the
West Side of Clarks river crossing three large deep and rapid
Creeks, and two of a smaller size to a small branch in the Spurs
of the mountain and dined. the last Creek or river which we
pass'd was so deep and the water so rapid that several of the
horses were sweped down some distance and the Water run
over several others which wet several articles. after crossing
this little river, I observed in the road the tracks of two men
whome I prosume is of the Shoshone nation. our hunters
joined us with 2 deer in tolerable order. on the side of the
Hill near the place we dined saw a gange of Ibex or big horn
Animals I shot at them running and missed. This being
the day of the decleration of Independence of the United
States and a Day commonly scelebrated by my Country I had
every disposition to selebrate this day and therefore halted
early and partook of a Sumptious Dinner of a fat Saddle of
Venison and Mush of Cows (roots) after Dinner we proceeded


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on about one mile to a very large Creek which we assended
some distance to find a foard to cross. in crossing this creek
several articles got wet, the water was so strong, alto' the debth
was not much above the horses belly, the water passed over
the backs and loads of the horses. those Creeks are emensely
rapid has great decnt (descent). the bottoms of the Creek as
well as the low lands on each side is thickly covered with large
stone. after passing this Creek I inclined to the left and fell
into the road on which we had passed down last fall near the
place we had dined on the 7th. of Sept. and continued on the
road passing up on the W. side of Clarks river 13 Miles to
the West fork[4] of Sd. river and Encamped on an arm of the
same I Sent out 2 men to hunt, and 3 in Serch of a foard to
pass the river. at dark they all returned and reported that
they had found a place that the river might be passed but with
some risque of the loads getting wet I order them to get up
their horses and accompany me to those places &c. our hunters
killed 4 deer to day. we made 30 Ms. to day on a course
nearly South Vally from 8 to 10 Ms. wide, contains a good
portion of Pitch pine. we passed three large deep rapid Creeks
this after noon


It has heretofore been assumed that the expedition on its outward journey passed
down the east bank of Bitter Root River. This remark would indicate that the Indian
route forded that river once or twice in its upper course. The West Fork is the Nez
Percé, which unites with East Fork to form the Bitter Root.—Ed.