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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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The welfare of the sick was one of St. Benedict's primary

Before all things and above all things care must be taken of the sick,
so that they may be served in very deed as Christ himself; for he
said: I was sick and ye visited me; and what ye did to one of these least
ones, ye did unto me.
But let the sick on their part consider that they
are being served for the honour of God, and not provoke their
brethren who are serving them by their unreasonable demands.[282]

The abbot is admonished to take the utmost care that they
suffer no neglect. They are allowed to take baths, as often
as their condition requires and, in contradistinction to the
healthy monks, to whom the meat of quadrupeds is categorically
interdicted, the sick are allowed to eat meat when
they are very weak, "for the restoration of their strength,"
but must abstain from it as usual, as soon as they are

St. Benedict stipulates that the Infirmary be established
as a separate building (cella super se deputata) under the
supervision of a "God-fearing, diligent, and careful" master,
and Hildemar, in his commentary to this passage, says
that it ought to consist of several rooms in order to be
prepared for all exigencies; otherwise it might happen that
"one is ready to die, another about to vomit, a third in need
of eating, and a fourth compelled to take care of his natural
needs."[284] As in the Refectory of the monks, the meal in this
refectory was accompanied by reading. If there were six
or less the text was read "in a subdued tone" (leniter); if
there were twenty, it was read "in full voice" (in voce).[285]
The Infirmary had to have its own oratory so that the sick
could attend mass.[286] If they were too weak to be taken into
the oratory, the office was read to them in the sick ward.[287]


Benedicti regula, chap. 36; ed. Hanslik, 1960, 95-96; ed. McCann,
1952, 90-91; ed. Steidle, 1952, 228-31.


Ibid., loc. cit.


Expositio Hildemari; ed. Mittermüller, 1880, 406. See Hafner, in
Studien, 1962, 184-85.


Ibid., 422.


Ibid., 406.


Ibid., loc. cit. on measures taken on the approach of death, see
II, 211.