University of Virginia Library

June 24-29

Have an old sermon from Mr. Meade-After church we find Mr. Arrowsmith at the carriages. He is very pleasant and tells us of Aunt Ria and Miss Vallant. We have quite a long chat. He seems much interested in politics-thinks this fair country is rapidly drifting into ruins. I agree with him-it is really alarming to think of the present state of this country. On Monday, Mary Lewis and I go over to town on a shopping expedition. Call to see Mr. Arrowsmith at the Hotel and have a pleasant chat. Bring Cousin Isabella and Sarah home with us. The weather so hot and dry. Harvest begins. I am improving in health. Dr. Leitch sent me some appropriate pills which I think does both spirits and health good. Much company this week ....At one time we all feared [Sue's] marriage would have to be given up altogether but the course of true love never runs smoothly but on Saturday John comes up and by night matters are made right and the wedding is decided for Tuesday July 3rd. Sue is all smiles but Oh, dear, down deep in my heart I wonder it is only selfish in me but I can't see any bright side to the picture. My prayers to God that she may be happy as she deserves to be. Sam with us Saturday night. Also John Macmurdo. Bob and I have to take to books by way of entertaining ourselves as the engaged ones have eyes and longings only for each other. What a change being in love makes in people!...much talk about the wedding apparel. Sue, I think has a very handsome stock and in great enough quantities to last her for some years to come. I can't feel any pleasure in looking at her beautiful clothes when I remember our mourning hearts and deep garb of woe but a few short months ago for our dear boy. Sue does not take off her black but there is so much finery mixed with it to set it off that it seems a kind of mockery but perhaps I'm too old fashioned in my taste.