University of Virginia Library

August 13th.. Monday 1804—

Set out this morning at Light the useal time and proceeded
on under a gentle Breeze from the S. E.


Page 109
N. 66°. W.  2 3/4  Ms. to a pt. of Low willows on the S. S. a bar makeing
out. passed [to] the Sd
N. 11°. W.  5: 1/4  to a pt. of Cotton Wood. in a Bend to the S. S. passed
over the pt. of a Sand bar from L. S. 
S. 44° W.  2 1/2  to a pt. on the S. S. opposit to the place Mr. Ja: Mc.Key
had a tradeing house in 95. & 96. & named it Fort
West  3/4  of a mile to the Pt. of willow Isd. on the S. point 
N. 50°. W.  Ml. to a point of high wood below the mouth of a
Beayou comunicating with a Pond L. S. 
N. 20° E.  2 1/4  Mls. to a pt. of Willows on the L. S. passed a Creek
at 1 1/2 Mls. on which the Mahar village is Situated[16]
a Sand bar on S. S. & one on L. S. haveing passed
the Willow Isd
North  1/4   Ml. on the Sand bar L. S. 
N. 69 W.  2 1/2  Ms. to the upper Point of Some Cottonwood trees in a
Bend to the L. S. opposit the lower pt. of a large
Island Situated on the S. S. 
17 1/4 

we formed a Camp on a Sand bar on the L. S. & Detached
Sergt. Ordeway Peter Crusatt, George Shannon. Werner &
Carrn. [Carson?—Ed.] to the Mahar Village with a flag &
Some Tobacco to envite the Nation to See & talk with us on
tomorrow, we took some Luner observation this evening.
the air Pleasant.


See ante, p. 50.—Ed.


A little south of Dakota City, north of the Omaha Indian Reservation. The
party encamped nearly opposite the present Omadi, Neb. —Coues (L. and C., i,
p. 74).