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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Sunday August 3rd. 1806.
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Sunday August 3rd. 1806.

I arrose early this morning and had the perogue and canoes
loaded and set out at half after 6 A. M. we soon passed the
canoe of Colter and Collins who were on shore hunting, the
men hailed them but received no answer we proceeded, and
shortly after overtook J. and R. Fields who had killed 25 deer
since they left us yesterday; deer are very abundant in the
timbered bottoms of the river and extreemly gentle. we did
not halt today to cook and dine as usual having directed that
in future the party should cook as much meat in the evening
after encamping as would be sufficient to serve them the next
day; by this means we forward our journey at least 12 or 15
miles Pr. day. we saw but few buffaloe in the course of this
day, tho' a great number of Elk, deer, wolves, some bear,
beaver, geese a few ducks, the party coloured co[r]vus [magpie],
one Callamet Eagle, a number of bald Eagles, red headed
woodpeckers &c. we encamped this evening on N. E. side
of the river 2 ms. above our encampment of the 12th. of May
1805. soon after we encamp[ed] Drewyer killed a fat doe.
the Fieldses arrived at dark with the flesh of two fine bucks,
besides which they had killed two does since we passed them
making in all 29 deer since yesterday morning. Collins and
Colter did not overtake us this evening.