University of Virginia Library

March 4-10

Mr. Meade too poorly to preach but he adminsters the communion. [Supper guests.]....A letter from Emily, poor child, she seems to be very much let down. I wish I knew what to advise for her. I can't encourge her to go when her friends oppose it so bitterly for I can't think a blessing will attend her efforts. But are they right in their disapproval? Dear little woman, I can only pray that God may guide her to do what is his will and if she is defeated in this darling project she must find some other field for inspiration for I feel assured that her's will not be a life of idleness. Sue and Mary Lewis go off dining at one of our neighbors. I stay at home on the bed all day sick .... [Calls received and letters written.] Uncle Bob and brother Jim dine with us on Friday. They bring no news. Brother Jim thinks there is but little chance of Emily's going. Says Mr. Coffman has a learned article on cats to read me from Heroditus. I'm quite curious.