University of Virginia Library


Page 90

White Catfish Camp 10 Ms. above Platt,
24th of July 1804 Tuesday

a fair day the wind blows hard from the South, the Breezes
which are verry frequent in this part of the Missouri is cool
and refreshing. Several hunters out to day, but as the game
of all kinds are Scerce only two Deer were brought in. I
am much engaged drawing off a map, Capt. Lewis also much
engaged in prepareing Papers to Send back by a perogue—
which we intended to Send back from the river Platt[2] observations
at this place makes the Lattitude 41°. 3′ 19″ North.

This evening Guthrege Cought a White Catfish, its eyes
Small & tale much like that of a Dolfin.


Coues here remarks (L. and C., i, p. 54): "Nothing was dispatched to Jefferson
till Apr. 7, 1805" (that is, from Fort Mandan).—Ed.