University of Virginia Library

Military experiences

In 1794, when Lewis was twenty years of age, the so-called
Whisky Rebellion, against a federal excise tax, broke out in
Western Pennsylvania, and threatened to spread
into Virginia and Maryland. President Washington
issued a requisition for some thirteen thousand
militia from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia,
and this force promptly marched towards the seat of


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disturbance, thus speedily causing the subsidence of what was
practically an insurrection against the national government.
Lewis enlisted as a private in this little army, and at the close
of the disturbance was given employment in the regular service
— originally as ensign in the First Infantry (May 1, 1795),
later as first lieutenant, and then captain (1797) in the same
regiment. He served with distinction under General Wayne,
in the latter's Northwestern campaigns, and in the first year
of his captaincy was in charge of the infantry in Captain Isaac
Guion's expedition to take over the Spanish posts in Mississippi.[5]
He also was for several years the paymaster of his


See Claiborne, Mississippi (Jackson, 1880), p. 184, note.


A manuscript book in the possession of the American Philosophical Society,
containing Lewis's meterological and natural history data, also has a few brief
records of his accounts as paymaster in 1800. In that year he made an extended
official tour by land and water to the posts at Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Fort Wayne,
and Detroit, visiting Limestone (Maysville, Ky.), Chillicothe, and Wheeling on