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Page 19


Mr. Traverse tells this joke on himself to-day:
You know Mr. T. stammers enough to make the
story interesting. Well he went into a bird-fancier's
in Centre street, in New York, to buy a parrot.

“H—h—have you got a—a—all kinds of b—
b—birds?” asked Mr. T.

“Yes, sir, all kinds,” said the bird-fancier politely.

“I w—w—want to b—buy a p—p—parrot,” hesitated Mr. T.

“Well, here is a beauty. See what glittering plumage!”

“I—i—is he a g—g—good t—talker?”

“If he can't talk better than you can I'll give him to you,”
exclaimed the shopkeeper.

William bought the parrot.