University of Virginia Library

July 9th 1806.

Set out early and had not proceeded far before it began to
rain. the air extreemly cold. halted a few minutes in some
old lodges untill it c[e]ased to rain in some measure. we then
proceeded and it rained without intermission wet us to the skin.

N. 80° E. 4 M. through a handsome level wide bottom in
which there is a considerable quan[ti]ty of narrow leafed cottonwood
timber. the river is generally about 80 yds. wide rapid
yet I think it might be navigated. it's bed is loose gravel and
pebbles. the banks low but seldom overflow. water clear.

S. 85 E. 4. Ms. Still on the S.W. side of the river through
wide and level bottoms some timber. Joseph feilds killed a
very fat buffaloe bull and we halted to dine.[15] we took the
best of the meat as much as we could possibly carry on our
horses. the day continuing rainy and cold I concluded to
remain all day. we feasted on the buffaloe. saw a number
of deer wolves and antelopes. killed two deer.


Near the west border of Fort Shaw Military Reservation.—Ed.