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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Page 190

July 5th. 1806.

Set out at 6 A. M. steered

N. 75 E.  3 1/2 M.  Passed a stout C[reek] N. Side at 12 1/2 M.
another just above saw an old Indian
encampment of 11 lodges of bark and
[word illegible] on S. side at 3 1/2 M.
killed a deer.
N. 25. E.  12 M.  passing a small creek at one M on S. side.
on which there is a handsom and extensive
Valley and plain for 10 or 12 Ms
also another creek 12 yds. wide at 1/2 a mile
further on N. side, and another 8 yds.
wide on N. side at 5 Ms. further one
[and] 1/2 M. short of the extremity of
this course arrive at a high prarie on
N. side from one to three miles in width
extending up the river. halted and
dined in the mouth of a little drane
on the left of the plain where there
was a considerable quantity of quawmash.
saw a gang of antelopes here of which we
killed one the does at this season herd
with each other and have their young.
the bucks are alone there are many
wild horses on Clarkes river about the
place we passed it we saw some of
them at a distance, there are said to
be many of them about the head of
the Yellowstone river.
East  6 M.  to the entrance of Werner's Creek[7] 35 yds.
wide through a high extensive prairie
on N. side, hills low and timbered
with the long leafed pine, larch, and some
fir. the road passes at some distance to
the left of the river and this cou[r]ses
is with the river. 


Page 191
N. 22 W.  4 Miles  to a high insulated knob just above the
entrance of a Creek 8 yards wide which
discharges itself into Werners Creek.
N. 75 E.  2 1/2 M.  to the river passing through anextensive
and handsom plain on Werner's Creek,
crossing that creek at 1 M. and leaving
a high prarie hills to the right seperating
the plain from the river. saw two
swan in this beautiful Creek.
East  3 M.  to the entrance of a large creek 20 yds. wide
Called Seamans' Creek passing a creek
at 1 m. 8 yds. wide. this course with the
river, the road passing through an extensive
high prarie rendered very uneven
by a vast number of little hillucks and
sink-holes. at the heads of these two
creeks high broken mountains stand at
the distance of
10 M.  forming a kind of Cove generally of open
untimbered country, we encamped on
the lower side of the last creek just above
it's entrance, here a war party had encamped
about 2 months since and conceald
their fires.
31 M. 


Named for Private Werner, who accompanied Lewis; on the Land Office Maps
it is now called Clearwater River.—Ed.