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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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15th June, Friday 1804—

Set out early and had not proceeded far e'er we wheeled on
a Sawyer which was near injuring us verry much, passed a
plain on the L. S. a Small Isd. in the midle, the river riseing,
water verry swift Passed a Creek on the L. S. passed between
two Islands, a verry bad place, moveing Sands, we were
nearly being swallowed up by the rolling Sands over which the
Current was so Strong that we could not Stem it with our
Sales under a Stiff breese in addition to our ores, we were
compelled to pass under a bank which was falling in, and use
the Toe rope occasionally, Continued up pass two other
Small Islands and Camped on the S. S. nearly opposit the
antient Village of the Little Osarges and below the antt. Village
of the Missouries both Situations in view and within three
Ms. of each other,[46] the Osage were Settled at the foot [of]
a hill in a butifull Plain, which extends back quite to the
Osage River, in front of the Vilg: next to the river is an
ellegent bottom Plain which extends several miles in length on
the river in this low Prarie the Missouries lived after they
were reduced by the Saukees at their Town Some Diste. below.
The little osage finding themselves much oppressed by the
Saukees & other nations, left this place & built a village 5
Ms. from the Grand Osarge Town, about years ago a
fiew of the Missouries accompanied them, the remainder of
that Nation went to the Otteaus on the River Platt. The
River at this place is about 3 [one] Ms. wide. our hunters did
not come in this evening the river beginning to fall


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Course & Distance June 15th

S. 35° W.  Ms. along S. S. 
S. 50° W.  1 1/2  Ms. a pt. L. S. passed a pra: & Creek L. S. 
S. 51° W.  2 1/2  Ms. pt. S. S. psd. a Willow Isd
S. 8° W.  3/4  Ms. to a pt. L. S. passd. Low pt/2 Isds
S. 80° W.  Ms. to upr. Pt. Isd. S. S. psd. bad place 
S. 5° W.  Ms. to a pt. S. S. passed bad place 
S. 12° W.  1 1/2  Ms. to a pd. S. S. psd. a Isd. in Midl opsd. old village 
12 1/4  Lit: Osage. 

Near the present Malta Bend, and not far below the site of the old French Fort