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The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore

Collected by Himself. In Ten Volumes

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At length, dearest Freddy, the moment is nigh,
When, with P*rc*v*l's leave, I may throw my chains by;
And, as time now is precious, the first thing I do,
Is to sit down and write a wise letter to you.
I meant before now to have sent you this Letter,
But Y*rm---th and I thought perhaps 'twould be better
To wait till the Irish affairs were decided—
(That is, till both Houses had prosed and divided,


With all due appearance of thought and digestion)—
For, though H*rtf---rd House had long settled the question,
I thought it but decent, between me and you,
That the two other Houses should settle it too.
I need not remind you how cursedly bad
Our affairs were all looking, when Father went mad ;
A straight waistcoat on him and restrictions on me,
A more limited Monarchy could not well be.
I was call'd upon then, in that moment of puzzle,
To choose my own Minister—just as they muzzle
A playful young bear, and then mock his disaster,
By bidding him choose out his own dancing-master.
I thought the best way, as a dutiful son,
Was to do as Old Royalty's self would have done.
So I sent word to say, I would keep the whole batch in,
The same chest of tools, without cleansing or patching;


For tools of this kind, like Martinus's sconce ,
Would lose all their beauty, if purified once;
And think—only think—if our Father should find,
Upon graciously coming again to his mind ,
That improvement had spoil'd any favourite adviser—
That R---se was grown honest, or W*stm*rel---nd wiser—
That R---d---r was, ev'n by one twinkle, the brighter—
Or L*v*rp---l's speeches but half a pound lighter—
What a shock to his old royal heart it would be!
No!—far were such dreams of improvement from me:
And it pleased me to find, at the House, where, you know ,
There's such good mutton cutlets, and strong curaçoa ,
That the Marchioness call'd me a duteous old boy,
And my Y*rm---th's red whiskers grew redder for joy.


You know, my dear Freddy, how oft, if I would,
By the law of last Sessions I might have done good.
I might have withheld these political noodles
From knocking their heads against hot Yankee Doodles;
I might have told Ireland I pitied her lot,
Might have sooth'd her with hope—but you know I did not.
And my wish is, in truth, that the best of old fellows
Should not, on recovering, have cause to be jealous,
But find that, while he has been laid on the shelf,
We've been all of us nearly as mad as himself.
You smile at my hopes—but the Doctors and I,
Are the last that can think the K*ng ever will die.
A new era's arriv'd —though you'd hardly believe it—
And all things, of course, must be new to receive it.


New villas, new fêtes (which ev'n Waithman attends)—
New saddles, new helmets, and—why not new friends?
I repeat it, “New Friends”—for I cannot describe
The delight I am in with this P*rc*v*l tribe.
Such capering!—Such vapouring!—Such rigour!—Such vigour!
North, South, East, and West, they have cut such a figure,
That soon they will bring the whole world round our ears,
And leave us no friends—but Old Nick and Algiers.
When I think of the glory they've beam'd on my chains,
'Tis enough quite to turn my illustrious brains.
It is true we are bankrupts in commerce and riches,
But think how we find our Allies in new breeches!
We've lost the warm hearts of the Irish, 'tis granted,
But then we've got Java, an island much wanted,


To put the last lingering few who remain,
Of the Walcheren warriors, out of their pain.
Then how Wellington fights! and how squabbles his brother!
For Papists the one, and with Papists the other;
One crushing Napoleon by taking a City,
While t'other lays waste a whole Cath'lic Committee.
Oh deeds of renown!—shall I boggle or flinch,
With such prospects before me? by Jove, not an inch.
No—let England's affairs go to rack, if they will,
We'll look after th' affairs of the Continent still;
And, with nothing at home but starvation and riot,
Find Lisbon in bread, and keep Sicily quiet.
I am proud to declare I have no predilections ,
My heart is a sieve, where some scatter'd affections
Are just danc'd about for a moment or two,
And the finer they are, the more sure to run through:
Neither feel I resentments, nor wish there should come ill
To mortal—except (now I think on't) Beau Br*mm*l,


Who threaten'd last year, in a superfine passion,
To cut me, and bring the old K*ng into fashion.
This is all I can lay to my conscience at present;
When such is my temper, so neutral, so pleasant,
So royally free from all troublesome feelings,
So little encumber'd by faith in my dealings
(And that I'm consistent the world will allow,
What I was at Newmarket the same I am now).
When such are my merits (you know I hate cracking),
I hope, like the Vender of Best Patent Blacking,
“To meet with the gen'rous and kind approbation
“Of a candid, enlighten'd, and liberal nation.”
By the bye, ere I close this magnificent Letter,
(No man, except Pole, could have writ you a better,)
'Twould please me if those, whom I've humbug'd so long
With the notion (good men!) that I knew right from wrong,


Would a few of them join me—mind, only a few—
To let too much light in on me never would do;
But even Grey's brightness shan't make me afraid,
While I've C---md---n and Eld---n to fly to for shade;
Nor will Holland's clear intellect do us much harm,
While there's W*stm*rel---nd near him to weaken the charm.
As for Moira's high spirit, if aught can subdue it,
Sure joining with H*rtf---rd and Y*rm---th will do it!
Between R---d---r and Wh*rt*n let Sheridan sit,
And the fogs will soon quench even Sheridan's wit:
And against all the pure public feeling that glows
Ev'n in Whitbread himself we've a Host in G---rge R---se!
So, in short, if they wish to have Places, they may,
And I'll thank you to tell all these matters to Grey ,
Who, I doubt not, will write (as there's no time to lose)
By the twopenny post to tell Grenville the news;


And now, dearest Fred (though I've no predilection),
Believe me yours always with truest affection.
P.S. A copy of this is to P*rc---l going —
Good Lord, how St. Stephen's will ring with his crowing!

Letter from his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to the Duke of York, Feb. 13. 1812.

“I think it hardly necessary to call your recollection to the recent circumstances under which I assumed the authority delegated to me by Parliament.” —Prince's Letter.

“My sense of duty to our Royal father solely decided that choice.” —Ibid.

The antique shield of Martinus Scriblerus, which, upon scouring, turned out to be only an old sconce.

“I waved any personal gratification, in order that his Majesty might resume, on his restoration to health, every power and prerogative,” &c. —Prince's Letter.

“And I have the satisfaction of knowing that such was the opinion of persons for whose judgment,” &c. &c. —Ibid.

The letter-writer's favourite luncheon.

“I certainly am the last person in the kingdom to whom it can be permitted to despair of our royal father's recovery.” —Prince's Letter.

“A new era is now arrived, and I cannot but reflect with satisfaction,” &c. —Ibid.

“I have no predilections to indulge,—no resentments to gratify.” —Prince's Letter.

“I cannot conclude without expressing the gratification I should feel if some of those persons with whom the early habits of my public life were formed would strengthen my hands, and constitute a part of my government.” —Prince's Letter.

“You are authorized to communicate these sentiments to Lord Grey, who, I have no doubt, will make them known to Lord Grenville.” —Prince's Letter.

“I shall send a copy of this letter immediately to Mr. Perceval.” —Prince's Letter.