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Tragicall Tales translated by Tvrbervile

In time of his troubles out of sundrie Italians, with the Argument and Lenuoye to eche Tale

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The Lenuoy.
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The Lenuoy.

VVho sits aloft in sacred Princes seate,
And wieldes his realme by loue and not by dread
Whose puisant hand by auldnesse doth intreate
The silly rowte that vnder him is led:
Shall safely raigne, and hold his scepter sure,
A courteous king doth lightly long endure.
But who so raignes in threatning tyrants throne,
Bathing in blood his haughtie hungrie chaps,
And rules by force, is surely ouerthrowne.
The Goddes assigne such Soueraines sory haps,
It may not lost, that so exceedeth reason,
The truest hearts, by force are brought to treason.
A pleasant porte doth rule a raging horse,
When harder brakes doe breake the mouth too much,
And makes the colt to steare with all his force:
Rough handed Surgeons make the patient grutch.


The Pilote that by skyll the shyp doth guide,
And not by myght, makes vessels brocke the tyde.
A lawlesse peere by law deserues to die,
True iustice payes the blooddie home their hyre,
And blood mispilt for vengeance aye doth crie,
Lex talionis doth the lyke requyre:
As in this tale that heere my Muse hath told,
Of brothers two each man may well behold.
Could Dyonisius deale with greater force?
Or fearefull Phalaus with more despite?
Than did Nycocrates without remorse
That slew hys [illeg.] subiects lawlesse quight?
Did not Leander deale in monstrous wise,
Whom brothers blood might not alone suffyce?
Prease hither Peeres, whose heads with crownes are clad
Who hold the kingly scepters in your hands:
Behold the end that blooddie tyrants had,
A mirrour make of these to rule your landes:
With all, see heere a Ladies manly minde,
Whom God to wreake this bloodshed had assignde.
Marke how the fyrst was blinded all with blood,
The husband slayne, and sundrie moe beside,
To wed the wife this monster thought it good,
Note how the Gods herein theyr scourge dyd hide,
For who but he woulde trust a wronged wyght,
Or place her in his naked bed at night?
Looke how Leander lewde by wyle was wonne,
And led by lust to worke his brothers woe:
And more than that see how this beast did runne
A wicked race and woxe his mothers foe.
Note how the heauens made leuell yet at last,
And plagude by death his blooddy dealings past.
Aut sero, Aut citius.