University of Virginia Library

July 4-11

Sister Betty's little Charles Warner was baptized today by Mr. Meade. I stand sponsor for him. Three godsons. My responsibilities are great but I've vowed and with God's help will endeaver to perform them. Wrote to Brother Garret, S.P. Williamson and Tom Davis. Camp Goodloe staying with Jim. Thursday, Sue and I start early for Music Hall. Get down in time for church as the convocation is going on. The new house is progressing very fast. It has five gables; I advise two more as then some romance might be connected with it being a "House with Seven Gables". We find very comfortable quarters in the kitchen. Hear some very good preaching. There is a prayer meeting every morning at 10 o'clock, then a sermon, generally a short address on one of the missions. [The preachers were] Mr. Dabney Davis, Mr. Latane (Acts 7:56), Mr. Meade, and Mr. Butler....See a good many of the neighbors. Call at Mr. Boydens and see all the preachers. The ladies are very agreeable. On Saturday Mr. Butler dines with us. In the even have quite a salee on the porch.