University of Virginia Library


Page 138


Thursday March 6th. 1806.

This morning the fishing and hunting parties set out agreeably
to their instructions given them last evening. at 11. A.M.
we were visited by Comowoll and two of his children.[74] he presented
us with some Anchovies which had been well cured in
their manner, we fou[n]d them excellent, they were very
acceptable particularly at this moment, we gave the old man
some small articles in return. this we have found much the
most friendly and decent savage that we have met with in this
neighbourhood. Hall had his foot and ankle much injured
yesterday by the fall of a large stick of timber; the bones were
fortunately not broken and I expect he will be able to walk
again shortly. Bratton is now weaker than any of the convalessants,
all of whom recover slowly in consequence of the
want of proper diet, which we have it not in our power to

The Aquatic birds of this country or such as obtain their
subsistence from the water, are the large blue and brown heron,
fishing hawk, blue crested fisher, gulls of several species of the
Coast, the large grey gull of the Columbia, Cormorant, loons
of two species, white, and the brown brant, small and large
geese, small and large Swan, the Duckinmallard, canvis back


Page 139
duck, red headed fishing duck, black and white duck, little
brown duck, black duck, two speceis of divers, blue winged
teal, and some other speceis of ducks.


This was the chief to whom Lewis and Clark presented Fort Clatsop (see post);
he occupied it for several years, each fall and winter, during the hunting season. The
descendants of Coboway (Comowoll)—see vol. iii, p. 278, ante—have had a large
share in Oregon history. Three of his daughters married white men—the eldest
was the wife, first of W. W. Matthews, one of the clerks of the Astorian expedition
(1811–13); later, she married Louis Labonte, who came overland with Wilson P.
Hunt in 1811–12, and after serving with the North West and Hudson's Bay Companies
settled at French Prairie in the Willamette Valley, where one of their sons was
still living in 1900. See Lyman, "Reminiscences of Louis Labonte", in Oregon
Hist. Soc. Quarterly, 1900. The second daughter, Celiast or Helen, married
Solomon Smith, a teacher at old Fort Vancouver; she lived until 1891, and distinctly
remembered Lewis and Clark. For the reminiscences of her son, see Smith,
"Beginnings of Oregon," in Ore. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, 1899. Mrs. Smith acted
as an envoy to negotiate with the Clatsops after the unfortunate wreck of the
"William and Ann," in 1829, and the supposed complicity of the tribe therein.
The third daughter became the wife of Joseph Gervais, a French fur-trader and early
settler of French Prairie.—Ed.


Among our other difficulties we now experience the want of tobacco; and out of
thirty-seven persons composing our party, there are but seven who do not make use
of it; we use crab-tree bark as a substitute.—Gass (p. 271).