University of Virginia Library

May 21st. 1804 Monday

All the forepart of the Day arranging our party and procureing
the different articles necessary for them at this place.
Dined with Mr. Ducett and Set out at half passed three oClock
under three Cheers from the gentlemen on the bank and proceeded
on to the head of the Island (which is Situated on the
Stbd. Side) 3 Miles Soon after we Set out to day a hard
Wind from the W. S W accompanied with a hard rain, which
lasted with Short intervales all night, opposit our Camp a
Small creek coms in on the Lbd Side.


Page 26

Course & Distance 21st of May

S. 15°. W  - 1 - 3/4 -  To bilge of Isd.[18]  
N 52° W  - 1 - 1/2 -  TP Upper Pt. of Isd. Std. Sd 
3 - 1/4 

Apparently meaning the "bulge" or projection of St. Charles Island to the
south. Most of the camping-sites of the expedition, and other localities named, are
identified in the notes to Coues's L. and C., q.v.; but as many of these are but conjectures,
the reader will do well to compare carefully therewith the facsimiles of Clark's
original maps, published in the present edition.—Ed.