University of Virginia Library

May the 18th. Friday 1804.

a fine morning, I had the loading in the Boat & perogue
examined and changed so as the Bow of each may be heavyer
loded than the Stern, Mr. Lauremus who had been Sent by
Cap Lewis to the Kickapoo Town on public business, return'd
and after a Short delay proceeded on to St Louis, I sent George
Drewyer with a Letter to Capt Lewis Two Keel Boats arrive
from Kentucky to day loaded with whiskey Hats &c &c. the
wind from the S. W.

Took equal altitudes with Sexten [sextant. —Ed.] made it 97° -
42′ - 37″ M. T.

A. M.  9 h - 9′ - 51″  P. M.  2 h - 49′ - 24″ 
9 - 10 - 16  2 - 50 - 50 
9 - 11 - 34  2 - 51 - 10 

Error of Sextion 8′ - 45″.