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  • Acupuncture [OMITTED], 377.

  • Alternation of nature and culture,
    prosperity and decay, 474.

  • Amulets and charms [OMITTED],
    boys wear jade-stones, girls pearls,

  • Ancestral tablet [OMITTED] of wood, one
    foot two inches long, 536.

  • Ancient characters [OMITTED], 448, 455.

  • Angels, informing the Spirit of Heaven
    of human misdeeds, 291,

    • a fallen
      angel [OMITTED], 341.

  • Animals, are creatures like man, 280,

    • the killing of animals is wicked, eod.

  • Anthroposcopy and physiognomy
    [OMITTED], Chap. XXIV.

  • Anti-alcoholic memorial, 88.

  • Antidotes, how given, 158.

  • Antiquarians know how to determine
    the age of old swords, 345.

  • Antiquity, overestimated by scholars
    and artists, 476.

  • Apparitions [OMITTED], either ghosts
    shaped like men, or men behaving
    like ghosts, 232, 244.

  • Army [OMITTED], 4,000 men, divided into
    2 divisions [OMITTED].

  • Ascension to heaven by the soul, 228,

    • of Huang Ti, 332,

    • of Huai Nan Tse,

  • Auspicious grain [OMITTED], 323, 366.


  • Ballista [OMITTED], of ten stones, 498,

    • pulled
      with a windlass [OMITTED], 503.

  • Beauty, engendered by a magical
    force, vicious and depraved, 302.

  • Bird [OMITTED], star, 118.

  • Births, supernatural, 318, 464.

  • Black Tortoise [OMITTED], the northern
    quadrant of solar mansions, 106.

  • Blue Dragon [OMITTED], the eastern
    quadrant of solar mansions, 106, 534.

  • Bronze vase of the year 669 b.c.
    with inscription, 344.

  • Burning glasses [OMITTED], 378.

  • Burning of the Books by Ch`in
    Shih Huang Ti,
    204, 447, 449, 490.


  • Cannibalism, in times of dearth, 170.

  • Ceremonies originate from a want
    of loyalty, 100.

  • Chance [OMITTED], definition, 142,

    • Chap. X.

  • Chaos [OMITTED], 252.

  • Character [OMITTED] and natural gifts [OMITTED]
    determine human intelligence and
    conduct, 145,

    • Chap. XXXI, transformed
      by instruction and the influence
      of virtue, 380,

    • depend on
      the quantity of the original fluid, 381.

  • Chin (kin) [OMITTED], old coins, 132, 146,
    365, 377, 433.

  • Chopsticks [OMITTED], of ivory considered
    a great luxury under the Shang
    dynasty, 354.

  • Chronicle of [OMITTED] Yüpen-chi,

  • Commerce resorted to by lazy agriculturists,

  • Contingencies [OMITTED], definition, 142,

    • contingencies and chance agree or
      disagree with destiny, 123.

  • Cook, in Sung, famous for butchery,

  • 539

  • Cow, may give birth to a horse, 102.

  • Creation, 252.

  • Cricket and chrysalis no emblem of
    immortality, 122.

  • Cries of a new-born child indicative
    of the length of its life, 314.

  • Cross-bow [OMITTED], 251, 266, 533.


  • Days and nights, their different
    lengths how caused, 259.

  • Death [OMITTED], Chap. XV, death the correlate
    of birth, 349.

  • Destiny [OMITTED], Chap. VIII and IX,
    destiny of a State stronger than
    that of individuals, 137,

    • connected
      with the stars, eod.,

    • natural [OMITTED],
      concomitant [OMITTED], adverse [OMITTED], 138,

    • received at the time of conception,

    • does not agree with natural
      disposition, good or bad character,
      eod. determines life and death, rank
      and wealth, 144,

    • not influenced by
      virtue or knowledge, eod., natural destiny
      according to Mencius' view, 431,

    • destiny depends on Heaven, 526.

  • Dipper [OMITTED], constellation, 275, 450.

  • Diseases have natural causes, 528.

  • Distance, its effect on vision, 261,
    266, 274.

  • Divination [OMITTED], Chap. XIV, by
    tortoise shell and milfoil, 182,

    • by
      shells and by diagrams, 526.

  • Dragon [OMITTED], attracts the clouds and
    the rain, 279, 356,

    • fetched by Heaven
      during a tempest, 285, 351,

    • rising to
      heaven 293,

    • an auspicious animal,

    • a reptile that undergoes transformations,

    • Chap. XXIX, lives
      in the water, 351,

    • like fish and
      reptiles, 352,

    • represented with a
      horse's head and a snake's tail, 353,

    • mounts the clouds, and is like earthworms
      and ants, eod., reptiles that
      can be domesticated and eaten, 354,

    • not intelligent, eod.,

    • dragon liver and
      unborn leopard, eod.,

    • the dragon
      rides on the clouds, 357,

    • contracts
      and expands its body, can become
      visible and invisible, 358,

    • can transform
      itself, eod.

  • Dragon Star [OMITTED], 520.

  • Dreams and visions [OMITTED], their nature
    doubtful, 200, 215,

    • direct dreams,

    • interpretation of dreams, 189.

  • Dwarfs, used as actors, 473.


  • Eagles transformed into pigeons and
    vice versa, 368.

  • Earth [OMITTED], has a body like man,

    • size of its area, 256,

    • does not
      move, 267,

    • high in the north-west
      and low in the south-east, 268.

  • Earth-quake, predicted, 112, 127.

  • Eclipse [OMITTED], how caused 269 seq.,

  • Eight Diagrams [OMITTED], invented
    by Fu Hsi, expanded by Wên Wang,
    87, 454, 474.

  • Elixir of life [OMITTED], made of
    gold and gems, drunk by Taoists, 339.

  • Emperors, their investiture by
    Heaven, 132, 133.

  • Energy, human, doubled by fear, 498.

  • Equanimity of the wise who placidly
    await their fate, 145, 149.

  • Equinoxes, vernal and autumnal
    [OMITTED], 259, 265.

  • Exaggerations, why people are
    fond of them, 85.

  • Executions are wicked, 280.

  • Exorcism [OMITTED], Chap. XLIV.


  • Fate see Destiny, 130,

    • becomes the
      mind internally and the body externally,

    • is obtained spontaneously,
      not by any effort, 150,

    • fate
      of long life, 313, 402.

  • 540

  • Felicitous plant [OMITTED], 366.

  • Fever [OMITTED] cured with pills causing
    perspiration, 282.

  • Fifteen dynasties [OMITTED] at
    the beginning of history, 90.

  • Fifth month child supposed to kill
    its parents, 161.

  • Fishes and birds are related, both
    can fly and are oviparous, 300,

    • fishes and turtles are metamorphosed
      from snakes and reptiles, 326, 368.

  • Five Birds [OMITTED]. 372.

  • Five Canons (Classics) [OMITTED]:—
    Yiking, Shiking, Shuking, Liki, and
    Ch`un-ch`iu, 86, 447, 449, 490.

  • Five Elements [OMITTED]:—metal,
    wood, water, fire, and earth, 104,
    201, 272.

  • Five Emperors and Three Rulers
    [OMITTED]:—Huang Ti, Chuan
    Hsü, K`u, Yao, Shun,
    and Yü, T`ang,
    and Wên Wang, 76, 81, 101, 138,
    324, 332, 334, 359, 372, 405, 464,
    467, 484, 511.

  • Five Grains [OMITTED]:—hemp, millet,
    rice, wheat, and beans, 381, 517.

  • Five Lakes [OMITTED] = T`ai-hu in
    Kiangsu, 380.

  • Five Leading Princes [OMITTED]:—
    Duke Huan of Ch`i, Duke Wên of
    Chin, Duke Hsiang of Sung, Duke
    Chuang of Ch`u, and Duke Mu of
    Ch`in, 74, 101.

  • Five Mountains [OMITTED], sacred:—
    T`ai-shan, Hêng-shan, Hua-shan, Hêng-shan,
    and Sung-shan, 251.

  • Five Organs (intestines) [OMITTED]:—

    • the heart, the liver, the stomach,
      the lungs, and the kidneys, 105,

    • the necessary substratum of
      the Five Virtues, 195, 381,

    • regulating
      the Vital Fluid, 496.

  • Five Planetary Emperors [OMITTED],

  • Five Planets [OMITTED]:—

    • Venus, Jupiter,
      Mercury, Mars, and Saturn,

    • are made of the substance of
      the Five Elements, 276.

  • Five Qualities [OMITTED]:—benevolence,
    justice, propriety, knowledge,
    and truth, 381, 390.

  • Five Sacrifices [OMITTED] of the
    house, the outer and inner doors,
    the well, the hearth, and the inner
    court, 510, 516.

    • Five Sacrifices of
      the Princes, 519.

  • Five State Robes [OMITTED], worn
    under the reign of the emperor Yü,

  • Five Time Keepers [OMITTED] of the

    • the year, month, day,
      stars, and dates of calendar, 452.

  • Five Virtues see Five Qualities, 105,
    194, 474.

  • Flatulence, its causes, 295.

  • Fluid see Vital Fluid and Primogenial

  • Fluid-eaters [OMITTED], Taoists
    living on air to obtain immortality,

  • Flying fish, 357.

  • Fortune-tellers [OMITTED] and their
    methods, Chap. XXIV.

  • Founders melting metal, 294.

  • Four classes of the disciples of
    Confucius [OMITTED], 376.

  • Four Grey Beards [OMITTED], recluses
    at the beginning of the Han
    epoch, 437.

  • Four Quadrants (Constellations)
    [OMITTED]:—Blue Dragon, White Tiger,
    Scarlet Bird, and Black Tortoise,

  • Four Seas and Four Mountains [OMITTED]
    [OMITTED] forming the limits of
    ancient China, 253.

  • Frogs become quails, 326, 336, 368.



  • Gems and pearls, made artificially
    by the Taoists, 378.

  • Genii [OMITTED], represented with feathers
    and wings, 293, 330,

    • so light that
      they can fly like wild geese, 252.

  • Geomancers [OMITTED], 531.

  • Ghosts [OMITTED], diffuse and invisible,

    • the dead do not become ghosts
      and have no consciousness, eod.;

    • a name of the passive principle,

    • ghosts are not the essence of
      the dead, 192 seq.; Chap. XVIII,
      ghosts are visions of sick people,
      239, 240,

    • apparitions of the fluid
      of sickness, 240,

    • seen by madmen,
      eod., made of the stary fluid, 241,

    • ghosts the essence of old creatures,

    • ghosts living in men, eod.,

    • the
      spirits of cyclical signs, 242,

    • creatures
      like men:—flying corpses [OMITTED]
      [OMITTED], crawling demons [OMITTED], goblins
      [OMITTED], devils [OMITTED], 243,

    • kingdom
      of the Ghosts [OMITTED], eod.,

    • wicked
      ghosts [OMITTED], eod.,

    • ghosts apparitions
      in human shape, 244,

    • are the
      Yang fluid, therefore red, burning
      and able to abscond, 246,

    • know
      what is secret, 291,

    • devils are supernatural
      apparitions produced by
      the sun, 299,

    • ghosts are burning
      poison and have a red colour, 299,

    • ghosts and spirits more ethereal
      than immortals, 524,

    • insensible of
      joy and anger, eod.,

    • expulsion of
      ghosts, 532,

    • sick people see ghosts,

  • Ghost of Fever [OMITTED], son of
    Chuan Hsü, 242, 534.

  • God [OMITTED] = Shang Ti, 134, 162,

    • a public spirit, who does not
      trouble about private grievances,
      204; 223, 227, 321, 328, 355.

  • Golden Age, its praise unfounded,
    471 seq.

  • Government, must be based on
    virtue, not on criminal law, 441,

    • by
      not governing, 95.

  • Grand Annalist [OMITTED] = Sse
    Ma Ch`ien,
    the author of the Shi-chi,
    86, 96, 111, 115, 148, 153, 167,
    168, 254, 332, 345, 462, 463, 464.

  • Great Diviner of Ch`i [OMITTED]
    = Yen Tse, 112, 159.

  • Great Wall, constructed by Mêng

  • Green Dragon see Blue Dragon, 301.


  • Halo (aureole) [OMITTED], 173, 178.

  • Happiness [OMITTED] and fortune [OMITTED] not
    connected with wisdom and intelligence,

    • Chap. XI and XII, not
      given by Heaven as a reward, 156.

  • Hare [OMITTED], in the moon, 268,

    • conceives
      by licking the pubescence of
      plants, and the leveret issues from
      its mouth, 319.

  • Heart [OMITTED], governs the members
    and the senses and is not governed
    by them 111,

    • constellation, 118, 127,

  • Hearth [OMITTED], sacrifice to, 343,

    • God
      of the Hearth, 519.

  • Heat and cold [OMITTED], Chap. XXI,
    not influenced by the sovereign, 278,

    • coinciding with joy and anger, 288.

  • Heaven [OMITTED], emits its fluid everywhere,
    but acts spontaneously, 92,

    • has neither mouth nor eyes, eod.,

    • its
      fluid is:—placid, tranquil, desireless,
      inactive, and unbusied [OMITTED]
      [OMITTED], 93,

    • its principle
      spontaneity, 95,

    • and inactive, 99,

    • does not speak nor act, 101,

    • reprimands
      contrary to its nature, 102,

    • affects things, but is not affected by


      them, 109,

    • is the master of man and
      things, eod. and 111,

    • its fluid forms
      the shapeless empyrean. 113,

    • not
      moved by the sighs of ten thousand
      people, eod.,

    • does not reprimand a
      sovereign, nor kill malefactors, 126,

    • Heaven's spontaneity and inaction
      preclude wisdom and sensations,

    • Heaven does not speak, 128,

    • the
      words of the wise are the words
      of Heaven, eod.,

    • anthropomorphisms
      of the Shiking and the Shuking, eod.;

    • the heart of Heaven in the bosom
      of the Sages, 129,

    • Heaven's decree,
      130, 132, 408,

    • Heaven is spontaneous,

    • human qualities ascribed
      to it, 134,

    • wealth and honour come
      from Heaven, 136 seq., 404,

    • its body,

    • Heaven does not speak nor
      hear, its nature is non-interference,
      184; 227,

    • Heaven's ways difficult
      to understand, 242;

    • Chap. XIX, the
      pure elements formed heaven, the
      impure ones earth, 252,

    • heaven is
      not air, but has a body, 257,

    • its
      distance from earth, eod.,

    • its circumference
      365 degrees, eod.,

    • not raised
      in summer, nor depressed in winter,

    • not high in the south, nor low
      in the north, eod.,

    • not shaped like
      a reclining umbrella, 261,

    • looks like
      a bowl turned upside down, eod.,

    • is as level as earth, 262,

    • heaven
      makes a circumvolution of 365 degrees
      = 730,000 Li every day, 266,

    • heaven's movement the spontaneous
      emission of fluid, 268,

    • its distance
      from earth upwards of 60,000 Li,

    • its principle spontaneity, 283,

    • Heaven's anger, 286,

    • the dark blue
      sky, eod.,

    • Heaven humanised, eod.;

    • all beings to Heaven like children,

    • Heaven does not write, 295,

    • emits its fluid into Earth, 322,

    • minister
      of Heaven, 421,

    • Mencius on
      Heaven, 422,

    • the Heaven of antiquity
      is the Heaven of to-day, 471,

    • Heaven is a body like the Earth,

    • Heaven the master of the
      hundred spirits, 526,

    • virtues are its
      principles eod.

  • Heaven and Earth [OMITTED], by the
    fusion of their fluids all things are
    produced, 92,

    • are like husband and
      wife, 93, 99, 287, 322,

    • are inactive,

    • cannot act, are devoid of knowledge,

    • do not create man on
      purpose, 103,

    • their fluids mixing,
      things grow naturally and spontaneously,

    • the great man equals
      them in virtue, 129,

    • believed to
      punish the wicked, 164,

    • cannot be
      interrogated by diviners, 182,

    • do
      not respond, 184;

    • have a body, eod.;

    • set in order, 193,

    • contain air, 252,

    • act in spontaneous harmony, 277,

    • their nature is spontaneity, 280,

    • father and mother of mankind,

    • like a great furnace filled
      with Yang (fire) and Yin (water),
      294, 320, 330,

    • are both bodies,

    • were not born and do not
      die, 349,

    • conjointly produce all
      things, 471,

    • their size many ten
      thousand Li, 510,

    • the emperor
      treats Heaven like his father and
      Earth like his mother, 517,

    • in man
      the mind of Heaven and Earth
      reach their highest development,

  • Heavenly fluid [OMITTED], 110, 138.

  • Heavenly officials [OMITTED], the
    stars, 138, 227.

  • Hill sacrifice [OMITTED], Fêng-shan,

  • Homeopathetic treatment [OMITTED]
    [OMITTED]; cold cured by cold, and
    fever by fire, 299.

  • Hook Star [OMITTED] = Mercury, 127.

  • Hot Water Abyss see T`ang-ku.

  • 543

  • House [OMITTED], constellation, 112,
    118, 127.

  • Human Emperors [OMITTED], mythical
    rulers of remotest antiquity, 193,


  • Ignorance, blissful of primitive
    times, 100.

  • Immortality, drug of [OMITTED], 335,

    • aimed at by Taoists, 336, 343.

  • Inaction [OMITTED], 92.

  • Incidents [OMITTED], definition, 143.

  • Intoxication, the virtuous believed
    not to become intoxicated, 487.


  • Killing animals see animals.


  • Land division in Wei, 382.

  • Language, different in ancient and
    modern times and in different parts
    of the empire, 72.

  • Life [OMITTED]; the Taoists endeavour to
    prolong life by quietism and dispassionateness,

    • its proper length
      a hundred years, 314, 472.

    • Long
      life, the shortest 70 years, medium
      80 years, longest 90 years, 452.

  • Life and death [OMITTED] depend on
    Destiny, 136 seq.

  • Literati [OMITTED], 250, 252, 257, 265,
    304, 332, 338, 434, 447, 473, 490.

  • Luan [OMITTED], bird inferior to the phœnix,

  • Luck [OMITTED], definition, 141.

  • Lumbago (sciatica) [OMITTED] or [OMITTED], said
    to be caused by devils flogging the
    patient, 299,

    • cured with honey and
      cinnabar, eod.


  • Madness [OMITTED], a disturbance of
    the vital force, 240,

    • of nature 380.

  • Magpies [OMITTED], know the future,

  • Man, born from Heaven and Earth
    and endowed with the heavenly
    fluid, 97,

    • why active, eod.;

    • his insignificance,
      when compared with
      Heaven and Earth, 109,

    • filled with
      the heavenly fluid, 111,

    • a tiny creature,

    • imbibing the heavenly
      fluid man is born, 138,

    • man a pigmy,

    • before his birth and after death
      man is part of the primogenial fluid,

    • he is born and kept alive by
      the Yin and the Yang, 249,

    • a creature
      like others, 289,

    • the noblest of
      the productions of Heaven and
      Earth, 320, 352,

    • like lice, 322,

    • is
      born by propagation, eod.,

    • never
      metamorphosed, 327,

    • not different
      from other creatures, 335,

    • first
      among naked creatures, 353, 528,

    • endowed with a spontaneous mind
      and a uniform disposition, 386,

    • average
      people and people above and
      below the average, 386, 391,

    • endowed
      with the nature of Heaven and
      Earth, 390,

    • with the Five Qualities,

    • the most intelligent of the ten
      thousand creatures, 528.

  • Marriage, age of, 472.

  • Matriarchate, 473.

  • Mechanisms:—a flying kite, a wooden
    carriage and horses, made by
    Mê Tse and Lu Pan, 499.

  • Medicine, liquid and pills, 282,

    • mineral
      drugs [OMITTED], 252.

  • Meteors [OMITTED], 230, 271, 274 seq.,

  • Miracles [OMITTED], 244,

    • Chap. XXVI.

  • Moon [OMITTED], moves 13 degrees =
    26,000 Li every day, 266,

    • a hare
      and a toad in the moon, 268,

    • the
      moon is water, eod.

  • Music, its power on animals, 379,

    • its magical force, 222.



  • Naked People [OMITTED], 407.

  • Nature [OMITTED], natural [OMITTED], concomitant
    [OMITTED], adverse [OMITTED], 140,

    • human nature
      affected by its environment, 375,

    • by
      instruction, 382.

    • different views on
      original nature, Chap. XXXII.

  • Natural feelings and natural disposition
    [OMITTED], the basis of human
    activity, 384,

    • said to correspond to
      the Yin and the Yang, 389.

  • Nine Continents [OMITTED], 253.

  • Nine Heavens [OMITTED], 339.

  • Nine Provinces (Circuits) [OMITTED] =
    China, 253, 390.

  • Nine Relations [OMITTED], ascendants
    and descendants, 492.

  • Nine Streams [OMITTED], 261.

  • Nine Tripods [OMITTED], of the Chou
    dynasty, disappeared, 218,

    • auspicious,

    • their history, 506.

  • Nine Wild Tribes of the East
    [OMITTED], 406.

  • Notes, musical, 121.

  • Noxious influences [OMITTED], Chap. XLIII.

  • Nursing of children, 314.


  • Odes of the Shiking [OMITTED], 91.

  • Omens (Portents) [OMITTED], Chap. XIII,
    different kinds, 173, 183,

    • the lucky
      meet with lucky omens by chance,

    • omens and signs are always
      true, 190,

    • shaped like man, 230,

    • indicate future happiness or misfortune,

    • correspond to something
      good, 368,

    • happen spontaneously,

    • during the Han epoch,
      372, 406,

    • under Ming Ti, 479,

    • under
      Kuang Wu Ti, 480.

  • Ominous creatures [OMITTED], have
    no species, are born by accident,

    • from a propitious fluid, 366.

  • Original fluid, see Primogenial

  • Orphan of Chao [OMITTED], 177.


  • Parrots [OMITTED], can talk, 358.

  • Pearls, genuine ones in fishes, 273,

    • and shells, 378.

  • Pearl-tree in the farthest southwest
    [OMITTED], 273.

  • Perfect man, 134.

  • Phantoms [OMITTED] consist of the solar
    fluid, 245,

    • emit poison, 247.

  • Phœnix [OMITTED], Chap. XXX, a holy
    bird, huge with a variegated plumage,

    • accompanied by thousands
      of birds, 363,

    • phœnix and unicorn
      signs of universal. peace, 364,

    • as
      big as a horse; 5 feet high, 366,

    • did not come at Confucius' time, 405.

  • Phenomenalists [OMITTED],
    scholars who explained calamities
    and other natural phenomena by
    moral causes, 127, 128, 281, 283.

  • Physiognomy see Anthroposcopy.

  • Physiognomists, have divided
    human features into more than
    seventy classes, 72.

  • Pillar of Heaven [OMITTED] = K`unlun,
    89, 250.

  • Plan of the Yellow River [OMITTED],
    95, 238, 294, 405, 454.

  • Plum, may grow on a cherry-tree, 102.

  • Poison [OMITTED], Chap. XXIII, the hot
    air of the sun, 298,

    • bad men filled
      with a poisonous fluid, 300,

    • poison
      of glib-tongued people, 303.

  • Pole of heaven [OMITTED], 255.

  • Polar star [OMITTED], 260, [OMITTED], 263.

  • Polygamy, its drawbacks, 141.

  • Portents see Omens.

  • Posthumous titles, 162, 208, 333.

  • Pregnant women, what they are
    to avoid, while with child, 141.

  • 545

  • Primitive life, 474,

    • happy without
      virtue and knowledge, 100.

  • Primogenial fluid [OMITTED], vague,
    diffuse, and unconscious, the human
    fluid a part of it, 194,

    • genuine and
      harmonious; all people filled with
      it, 471.

  • Primordial generation of fish and
    grass, 368.

  • Propriety and righteousnous upheld
    against Han Fei Tse, 434 seq.

  • Public instruction and criminal law
    what for, 380.

  • Punishments meted out in autumn
    and winter, 148, 280, 291.

  • Purple boletus [OMITTED], a felicitous
    plant, 132,

    • eaten by Taoists, 339.


  • Quipos, 473.


  • Rain [OMITTED], portended by insects, by
    the expansion of chords, and by
    chronic diseases, 109,

    • its origin, 277,

    • becomes dew and frost, eod.;

    • a fluid
      emitted by heaven, 289,

    • the Rain
      God [OMITTED], 511, 521.

  • Rat [OMITTED], a skin-disease cured by
    eating a cat, 158.

  • Raven [OMITTED], three-legged, cannot
    live in the sun, 268.

  • Red Emperor [OMITTED], 178, 234.

  • Rhinopithecus [OMITTED], knows the
    past, 358.


  • Sacrifices [OMITTED], Chap. XLI and
    XLII, presented to Heaven and
    Earth, Mountains and Rivers, the
    Spirits of the Land and Grain, 510, 516,

    • to the Five Genii and the
      ancestors, 516,

    • to Shangti, to the Six
      Superior Powers, eod.,

    • the imperial,
      suburban, patriarchal, and ancestral
      sacrifices, eod.,

    • sacrifices to the
      Seasons, to Heat and Cold, the Sun,
      the Moon, the Stars, the Four Cardinal
      Points, to Water and Drought,

    • to Earth, at the meals, 523,

    • to
      the Five Emperors and Three
      Rulers, 516,

    • to Mountains, Gates,
      and Doors, 536,

    • of an ox, 514,

    • of
      wood, a calf, a sheep, 516 seq., of
      millet, rice-cake, and soup offered
      to Earth, 510,

    • the meaning of sacrifices,
      509, 535,

    • motives of sacrifices:—gratitude
      and ancestor worship,

    • they are not enjoyed by
      ghosts or spirits, but merely symbolical,

    • of no avail, 537.

  • Sages, endued with the harmonious
    fluid, 316,

    • not imbued with a special
      fluid, 322,

    • credited with the gift of
      prophecy, 353,

    • produced by Heaven
      every 500 years, 424.

  • Sage birds and animals, 371.

  • Scarlet Bird [OMITTED], the southern
    quadrant of solar mansions, 106.

  • Schools [OMITTED], founded from olden
    times, 434.

  • Scroll of the Lo [OMITTED], 95, 238,
    294, 455.

  • Secretary falcon [OMITTED], poisonous, 301.

  • Sensations, how caused by the
    mental fluid, 239.

  • Seven Sacrifices [OMITTED], performed
    by the Emperor, 519.

  • Seventy odd disciples of Confucius
    [OMITTED], all sages, 151, 168, 375,
    392, 396.

  • Sickness not a punishment of
    Heaven, 119.

  • Six Classics [OMITTED], the Five Classics
    and the Classic of Music, 128.

  • Six Departments of Literature [OMITTED]
    [OMITTED] under the Han dynasty:—classics,
    six arts, philosophy, poetry, military
    science, and divination, 83, 470.

  • 546

  • Six Domestic Animals [OMITTED],
    the horse, the ox, the goat, the
    pig, the dog, and the fowl, 193.

  • Six Honoured ones [OMITTED], 516.

  • Six Institutions of the Chou dynasty
    [OMITTED], administration, instruction,
    rites, police, jurisdiction,
    public welfare, 455.

  • Six Passions [OMITTED]:—cheerfulness,
    anger, grief, joy, love, and
    hatred, 110.

  • Six States [OMITTED]:—Yen, Chao, Han,
    Wei, Ch`i,
    and Ch`u, leagued against
    Ch`in, 278, 305, 437.

  • Sixty-four Diagrams [OMITTED]
    [OMITTED], composed by Wên Wang, 87,

  • Solstices [OMITTED] in summer and winter,
    259, 265.

  • Sophists [OMITTED], poison flowing from
    their mouths, 303.

  • Sorcerers [OMITTED], filled with the Yang
    fluid, 246, 298,

    • live in the South,

    • can predict fate, eod.

  • Soul [OMITTED], the souls of the dead are
    dissolved and cannot hear any more,

    • animal soul [OMITTED] and mind [OMITTED],

    • the soul = vital fluid, 228,

    • roaming about during a dream, eod.

  • Southern Circuit [OMITTED] = Tung-chün
    in Hupei, 298.

  • Sparrows turn into clams, 326, 336,

  • Speech and fire have the same essence,

  • Spirits [OMITTED], believed to punish
    the guilty, 164,

    • diffuse and shapeless
      [OMITTED], 191,

    • [OMITTED] spirit,
      a name of the active principle, 191,

    • [OMITTED] the spiritual fluid forms man
      and at death reverts to its original
      state, 192;

    • spirits are unconscious,

    • spirits Heaven's angels, 291,

    • diffuse and incorporeal, 292, 352,

    • can soar, eod.,

    • what is vague
      and unsubstantial has the nature of
      a spirit, 353,

    • it seems as if the
      spirits helped the happy and caused
      the misfortune of the miserable, 144,

    • clothes, 5-6 inches long, offered
      to spirits, 515.

  • Spirit bird [OMITTED], 364.

  • Spirit of Earth [OMITTED], propitiated
    after the building of a house, 535.

  • Spirit of Heaven [OMITTED], reprimanding
    a sovereign, 119,

    • impersonated
      by a man, 232,

    • angry, 287,

    • like a king in his residence, 290,

    • changing his mind, 408.

  • Spirit of Rain [OMITTED], 222.

  • Spirit of Sickness [OMITTED], 534.

  • Spirit of the Wind [OMITTED], 222.

  • Spiritism by means of mediums in
    a trance, 196.

  • Spontaneity [OMITTED], Chap. III,
    means absence of purpose, 283.

  • Spontaneous fluid [OMITTED],
    101, 130.

  • Spontaneous harmony of heaven
    and earth, when it rains, 277.

  • Spook [OMITTED], Chap. XVII.

  • Spring and Autumn [OMITTED], work
    of Confucius, 414, 447, 451, 452.

  • Spring and Autumn period, 722 to
    480 b.c., 116, 210, 269, 271, 274,
    354, 362, 363, 451.

  • Stars [OMITTED], their effluence [OMITTED] gives
    wealth and honour, 138,

    • produces
      and develops things on earth, 241,

    • stars are not round, 271,

    • their size
      a hundred Li, 275,

    • are attached to
      heaven, 511.

  • Struggle for existence, 105 seq.

  • Style, 70 et seq.

  • Sun [OMITTED], ten suns in Yao's time, 89,

    • the sun came back, 89,

    • reverted
      to the meridian, eod., and 116,

    • encircled
      by a white halo, when Ching


      K`o stabbed Shih Huang Ti, 118,

    • solar fluid = heavenly fluid, 249,

    • motion of the sun and the moon,

    • Chap. XX, the sun takes 16
      different courses during a year, not
      9, 260,

    • its different size in the
      morning and at noon, 263,

    • sun
      and moon like ants crawling on
      a mill-stone are carried along by
      heaven from east to west, 266,

    • the sun moves 1 degree = 2,000 Li
      every day, eod.,

    • is fire, 267,

    • a three-legged
      raven in the sun, 268,

    • sun
      and moon not round, 271,

    • the sun
      is fire, 357.

  • Sun-stroke [OMITTED], the effect
    of poisonous air, 299, 300.

  • Swearing by Heaven, 403 seq.

  • Sweet dew [OMITTED], a lucky omen,
    produced by the harmonious fluid,
    366, 373.

  • Swords, their manufacture, 377,

    • famous
      swords, 503-504.


  • Tail [OMITTED], constellation, 118.

  • Tao [OMITTED], the fundamental principle
    of Taoism, 148, 328, 333, 336, 346.

  • Taoism, 102.

  • Taoists, argue on spontaneity, 92,

    • made an artifical apparition
      of Lady Wang, eod.,

    • possess real
      virtue i. e. inaction and quietism,

    • said to have become genii,

    • exhibiting tricks at the court
      of Huai Nan Tse, 335,

    • drinking the
      elixir of life and eating purple
      boletus, 339,

    • cannot be drowned
      nor burned, 342,

    • Chap. XXVIII,
      living on air and regulating their
      breath to become immortal, 348,

    • take medicines witha view to prolong
      life, 349,

    • make artificial gems,

    • studying the art of immortality,

  • Tempest, expression of Heaven's
    anger, 285, 351.

  • Thirty-five kingdoms [OMITTED]
    [OMITTED], beyond the sea, where plumigerous
    and feathered tribes live,
    254, 330.

  • Three Dynasties [OMITTED]:—Hsia,
    and Chou, 214, 319, 322, 464,

    • their different systems of government,

  • Three hundred scaly animals
    [OMITTED], of which the dragon
    the first, 353.

  • Three hundred and sixty naked
    animals [OMITTED],
    among which man ranks first, 528.

  • Three Mountains disappeared during
    the Ch`in epoch, 276, 507.

  • Three Offerings [OMITTED], made to
    the Genii of Spring, Autumn, and
    Winter, 518.

  • Three Rulers see Five Emperors
    and Three Rulers.

  • Three Sacrifices [OMITTED], of the
    high dignitaries, 519.

  • Thunder [OMITTED], Chap. XXII, not
    Heaven's angry voice, 285,

    • not caused
      by Heaven's fetching a dragon,

    • represented by drums or as the
      "Thunderer", 292,

    • the exploding
      solar fluid, 294,

    • fire, eod.;

    • why thunder
      must be fire, 295,

    • the thunder and
      the dragon attract one another, 356,

    • thunder how caused, 357.

  • Thunder goblet [OMITTED], of the
    Hsia dynasty, 293, 506.

  • Thunderer [OMITTED], the God of
    Thunder, an athlete with drums
    and a hammer, 292, 511, 521.

  • Tiger [OMITTED], howling attracts the wind,
    279, 356.

  • Time [OMITTED], propitious or unpropitious,
    145, 146,

    • definition, 171,

    • determines
      happy and unhappy events, 524.

  • 548

  • Time periods [OMITTED], 24 solar
    periods, into which the year is
    divided, 281.

  • Toad [OMITTED], cannot live in the
    moon, 268.

  • Tortoise [OMITTED], spiritual, 365.

  • Trance (Faint) [OMITTED], 195, 196.

  • Tribute of [OMITTED], Yü-kung,
    chapter of the Shuking, 253, 271,

  • Twelve Holy Men = Twelve Sages
    [OMITTED], 304, 322, 359.

  • Twelve horary characters and
    their corresponding animals [OMITTED], 106.

  • Twelve Spirits of the Cardinal
    Points [OMITTED], 534.

  • Twenty-eight constellations (solar
    mansions) [OMITTED], the
    resting-places of sun and moon, 257.

  • Two Sacrifices [OMITTED], to the
    Spirit of Fire and the Lord of the
    Soil, 518;

    • Two Sacrifices of ordinary
      scholars, 519.


  • Unconsciousness of the dead, 194.

  • Unicorn [OMITTED] = Kilin, 266,

    • like
      a deer with one horn, a holy animal,

    • a white unicorn with five feet,

    • like a deer with two horns,

    • resembling a stag, eod.,

    • wild
      animal with joined horus, 371.


  • Vermilion grass [OMITTED], an auspicious
    plant, 132, 366.

  • Visions of ghosts, caused by pain
    and fear, 239.

  • Vital fluid [OMITTED] or [OMITTED]
    the length of life depends upon it,

    • man lives by the vital fluid
      residing in the arteries, 191,

    • it fills
      the body as millet and rice a bag,
      and disperses at death, 192;

    • blood
      the vital force of the living, 193;

    • its seat in the blood, 194, 195;

    • vital
      energy maintained by eating and
      drinking, 198;

    • vital force within the
      body and outside the body, 198;

    • through death the fluid is lost, and
      the vital spirit [OMITTED] dissolved,

    • after death it is a formless fluid,

    • the vital spirit of all creatures is
      extinguished by death, it evaporates
      and disappears, 201,

    • causes thought
      and sensations, 239,

    • it gives knowledge
      and speech, 249,

    • copious or
      scarce, determines the length of life,
      313, 329,

    • received by men at their
      birth, forms the constitution, 325,

    • vanishes at death, 330,

    • is drawn
      from food, 348,

    • the vital force concentrated
      forms the human being,

  • Vital force = Vital fluid.


  • Water Spirit [OMITTED], son of Chuan
    242, 534.

  • Weird sayings of children [OMITTED],
    232, 237,

    • due to the influence of
      Mars, 246.

  • White Emperor [OMITTED], 234.

  • White Tiger [OMITTED], western quadrant
    of solar mansions, 106, 534.

  • Will-o'-the-wisp [OMITTED], the blood
    of the slain, 193.

  • Wind [OMITTED], foreseen by insects, 109,

    • its influence on robbers and thieves,
      and on the market prices, 110;

    • winds on New Year's Day portend
      the new year, 111,

    • lucky wind,

    • the God of Wind [OMITTED], 511,

  • Wine-spring [OMITTED], an auspicious
    portent, 366.

  • 549

  • Wizards and priests [OMITTED], have
    no power, 537.

  • World, lying in the South-east of the
    universe, 255, 263.


  • Yang [OMITTED] fluid (principle) comes forth
    spontaneously, 99; 110;

    • governs life,

    • the hot fluids, eod,

    • is broiling
      hot, 226;

    • becomes the mind, 209,

    • is
      fire and as such hot and red, 246,

    • boys and sorcerers imbued with it,

    • it predominates at the time of a
      drought, eod.,

    • the Yang fluid produces
      the vital spirit, 249,

    • shines like the
      sun, prevails in summer and is scarce
      in winter, 248,

    • is warm and genial,

    • is brightness and warmth, 284,

    • an immense fire, 294,

    • ornaments
      originate from the Yang, 302.

  • Yin [OMITTED] fluid (principle), 99, 110;

    • governs death, 111,

    • the cold fluids,

    • rushing against the hot Yang
      fluid, 226,

    • predominates during an
      eclipse of the sun, 246,

    • it produces
      the bones and flesh, 249,

    • is dark,
      abounds in winter, and falls short
      in summer, 258,

    • corresponds to the
      North, 259,

    • is cold murder, 279,

    • is
      rain and cold, 284,

    • clouds and rain
      are Yin, 294.

  • Yin and Yang [OMITTED], in harmony,
    98, 103, 126;

    • Yin and Yang crystallise
      and produce man, who by death is
      again dissolved into these fluids,

    • can injure the good, 242,

    • cause
      the length and the shortness of the
      days, 258, 283,

    • Yin and Yang coming
      into friction produce thunder and
      lightning, 294, 339, 348;

    • Yin and
      Yang were not born and do not die,

    • their fluids the fluids of Heaven
      and Earth, 368;

    • Yin and Yang and
      good and evil, 388,

    • disorganised,
      when propriety and righteousness
      are neglected, 434,

    • in harmony,
      when the government is good, 465.