University of Virginia Library

March 21-27

No church. Go in the morning to Music Hall. Miss Vallant and Lizzie Dee put up with us for the night. On Wednesday we get letters from home saying our presence is needed as there is so much sickness and on the next day Uncle Hatter arrives and takes us up in the evening. Find them all ailing. Jim sick in bed with measles. Sorry our visit was cut so short. Suppose it will be our last visit to the Old Music Hall house. It seems almost like sacrilege to touch its time honored walls. How many of our kindred now numbered with the dead have been sheltered beneath its venerable roof. What tales its old walls could give us of days long gone if they could only be possessed to be communicative. To think of the times when the old Grandmother, Peggie Douglas, [daughter of Parson William Douglas] came a bride to the place and then Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Sue [James Hunter and Susan Bacon Terrel] settled themselves at the Old Homestead and the numbers of nieces and nephews who have there found a home and friends. These are all gone. Many of them have been gathered to their long home, some scattered abroad while the old house remains a dumb witness of the past. The lst of May has been appointed to pull it down. I only hope there may be as much happiness in store for its members in the new house as was enjoyed in the old.