University of Virginia Library


Saturday June 14th. 1806

Sent out Hunters this morning Colter killed a deer and
brought it in by 10 A. M. Drewyer did not return untill night
he wounded deer but could get none &c. neither of the other
hunters killed nothing. we had our articles packed up ready
for a start in the morning. our horses collected and hobble[d]
that they may not detain us in the morning, we expect to set
out early, and shall proceed with as much expedition as possible
over those snowey tremendious mountains which has detained
us near five weeks in this neighbourhood waiting for the
Snows to melt sufficient for us to pass over them. and even


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now I shudder with the expectation with [of] great dificuelties
in passing those Mountains, from the debth of snow and the
want of grass sufficient to subsist our horses, as about 4 days
we Shall be on the top of the Mountain which we have every
reason to beleive is covered with snow the greater part of the