University of Virginia Library

Dec. 27-31, 1857

Hear Mr. Meade [preach a]...beautiful Xmas sermon. Johnny Macmurdo leaves today and the rest of the company by Tuesday except Miss Vallant. We have such great enjoyment reading, working, etc. Sorry Lizzie Dee could not be with us but she had company at home .... Well the old year is fast waning. In another hour (now 11 o'clock) it will be gone and forever. I'm looking back through the last 12 months, for I find it vastly wise to talk with my past hours and ask of them what report they give of me to Heaven. How much I feel and know has been done that should have been left undone and as much undone that should have been performed. Will another year find me better? With all my short comings, how much I've been blessed. Around me "death's hand" has been on many homes but my Household Gods have remained unshakened. I hope I have a thankful heart.