University of Virginia Library

Nov. 29-Dec. 5

Have Mr. William J. Nelson to preach for us from the text, "What think ye of Christ?" Sue had a letter from Jimmy after he got home. Miss Johnson is married to his brother John. Sue and I go out to see Sue and Jane Taylor and also cousin Lou Leitch. Sue has a letter from Jimmy Lewis (NOT of the Creek) telling us his sister Emma and Tom Davis were married the 19th of November. Finish a second revised and corrected edition of my family tree. The paper on which the other one was made was too small to get down all the twigs, so I had to draw it off again on a larger sheet of paper. It is now ready to be lithographed when I get the where-with-all to do it with ....Times dull. Cousin Peggie and Mr. Nelson spend a night with us. Friday morning cousin Peggy invited us to ride to town with her. Sue and I go and dine with Cousin Lou Leitch. Have a pleasant time. Hear it reported that cousin George Meriwether has married another first cousin. If true this will be the third one and last two were sisters. [Inserted below] It was a mistake. A letter from Lizzie Dee, she and Miss Vallant talk of spending Xmas with us. Wrote to Jimmy Lewis. Mary Lewis and Miss McPherson [probably M.A. McPherson, a teacher at the Piedmont Female Institute] with us the last of the week. Daddy still in Richmond. On Saturday morning Miss McPherson, Jim and I take a jaunt on horseback to Thurmond's Mountain and indulge our eyes in a magnificent prospect. Find Tom Davis' name cut in a rock. I feel for the next day or two as if I was 80 years of age.