The crypt is composed of two parts: an outer corridor
crypt, by which the visiting laymen gain access to the tomb
of St. Gall, and an inner confessionary, reserved for the
worship of the monks. The corridor crypt consists of two
barrel-vaulted subterranean shafts (inuolutio arcuum) which
run outside along the foundation walls of the fore choir and
terminate in a transverse shaft a short distance west of the
apse. The arched entrances to these shafts lie next to the
eastern crossing piers. They are designated in the south, in
criptā ingressus ʈ egressus ("ingress into or egress from the
crypt") and in the north, in criptā introitus ʈ exitus ("entrance
into or exit from the crypt") which suggests that
although the tomb could be approached from two different
sides, the pilgrims generally returned on the same side on
which they had entered. There can be no doubt about the
purpose of this outer crypt. It forms the continuation of
two long passageways which lead the pilgrims in a straight
line from the entrances in the west to the transverse shaft
under the presbytery, bringing them right up to the tomb
of St. Gall itself (fig. 82).