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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery
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The eastern apse (exedra) houses the altar of St. Paul,
which is designated with the hexameter:

Hic pauli dignos magni celebramus honores

Here we celebrate the honors worthy of
the great St. Paul

It has been argued that St. Paul was given this prominent
position in the Church of St. Gall because he was the
patron saint of an earlier church torn down in 830 to make
room for Abbot Gozbert's new building. This contention
has no base in fact. In the entire historical tradition of the
Abbey of St. Gall there is no source that would attest the
existence of a sanctuary dedicated to St. Paul.[70]


That a previous church was dedicated to St. Paul was first claimed
by Keller, 1844, 9 and subsequently taken over by Braun, 1924, 389. The
theory was refuted by Hecht in 1928, 14-15; Boeckelman, 1956, 137 and,
Poeschel, 1961, 19.