University of Virginia Library

Detatchment Orders
3rd. 1804.

The Commanding officer feels himself mortifyed and disappointed
at the disorderly conduct of Reubin Fields, in refusing
to mount guard when in the due roteen of duty he was regularly
warned; nor is he less surprised at the want of discretion
in those who urged his oposition to the faithfull discharge of
his duty, particularly Shields, whose sense of propryety he had
every reason to believe would have induced him reather to have
promoted good order, than to have excited disorder and faction
among the party, particularly in the absence of Capt. Clark and
himself: The Commanding officer is also sorry to find any man,
who has been engaged by himself and Capt. Clark for the expedition
on which they have entered, so destitute of understanding,
as not to be able to draw the distinction between being
placed under the command of another officer, whose will in
such case would be their law, and that of obeying the orders of


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Capt. Clark and himself communicated to them through Sergt.
Ordway, who, as one of the party, has during their necessary
absence been charged with the execution of their orders; acting
from those orders expressly, and not from his own caprice, and
who, is in all respects accountable to us for the faithfull observance
of the same.

A moments reflection must convince every man of our
party, that were we to neglect the more important and necessarry
arrangements in relation to the voyage we are now entering
on, for the purpose merely of remain[in]g at camp in order to
communicate our orders in person to the individuals of the
party on mear points of poliece, they would have too much
reason to complain; nay, even to fear the ultimate success of
the enterprise in which we are all embarked. The abuse of
some of the party with respect [to the] prevelege heretofore
granted them of going into the country, is not less displeasing;
to such as have made hunting or other business a pretext to
cover their design of visiting a neighbouring whiskey shop,
he cannot for the present extend this previlege; and dose
therefore most positively direct, that Colter, Bolye, Wiser, and
Robinson do not recieve permission to leave camp under any
pretext whatever for ten days, after this order is read on the
parade, unless otherwise directed hereafter by Capt. Clark or
himself. The commanding officers highly approve of the
conduct of Sergt. Ordway.

The Carpenters Blacksmiths, and in short the whole party
(except Floid who has been specially directed to perform other
duties) are to obey implicitly the orders of Sergt. Ordway, who
has recieved our instructions on these subjects, and is held
accountable to us for their due execution.

Meriwether Lewis.
Capt. 1st. U. S. Regt. Infty Comdg Detatchment
[Indorsed:] Sergt. Ordway will read the within order to the men on the parade the
morning after the reciept of the same.
M. Lewis Capt.