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  • The following resolution was adopted:
    RESOLVED that the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leave of absence:
  • Dr. Nuzhet O. Atuk, Professor of Internal Medicine, for February 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991, with partial pay, to qualify for the early retirement plan as approved by the Board of Visitors.
  • Mr. Avery Catlin, University Professor of Engineering, for the period January 16, 1990 through January 15, 1991, without pay, to qualify for the early retirement plan as approved by the Board of Visitors.
  • Mr. Charles E. Echols, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, for the period September 1, 1989 through January 15, 1990, without pay, for educational purposes.

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  • Mr. Jeffrey L. Hantman, Associate Professor of Anthropology, for the period September 1, 1989 through January 15, 1990, with partial pay, to do research.
  • Mr. Ronald M. Hartwell, Professor of Economics, for the period January 16, 1990 through May 31, 1990, without pay, to do research.
  • Mr. W. Reed Johnson, Research Professor of Nuclear Engineering, for the period September 1, 1989 through May 31, 1990, with partial pay, for educational purposes.
  • Mr. Donald L. Kaiser, Professor of Internal Medicine, for the period July 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990, without pay, to establish an international computer data base in Switzerland for Hoffman-La Roche.
  • Mr. Amnon Neeman, Associate Professor of Mathematics, for the period September 1, 1989 through May 31, 1990, with partial pay, to accept a Humboldt Fellowship.
  • Mr. Terrance W. Pratt, Research Professor of Computer Science, for the period September 1, 1989 through May 31, 1990, with partial pay, to do research.
  • Ms. Kathrine M. Reed, Lecturer, General Faculty, for the period January 4, 1990 through January 11, 1990, without pay, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. Steven E. Rhoads, Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, for the period January 16, 1990 through May 31, 1990, without pay, to do research.
  • Mr. Herman Schwartz, Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, for the period January 16, 1990 through May 31, 1990, without pay, to do research.
  • Dr. Joseph D. Schwartzman, Associate Professor of Pathology, for the period January 1, 1990 through June 30, 1990, with pay, to do research.
  • Mr. Alan J. Simmons, Professor of Philosophy, for the period January 16, 1990 through May 31, 1990, without pay, to be visiting professor at the University of Hawaii.

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  • Mr. S. Fred Singer, Research Professor of Environmental Sciences, for the period September 1, 1989 through May 31, 1990, without pay, for personal reasons.
  • Mr. Terry A. Thorkildson, Associate Professor, General Medical Faculty, for the period January 1, 1990 through December 31, 1990, with partial pay, to do research.