University of Virginia Library

July 19-25

Have cousin Dabney Davis to preach for us .... Cousin Howel and Little Charlie [Charles Warner Lewis] take dinner with us. Cousin Howel seems to have great hopes for the Iowa settler. Mr. Meade calls, such an unusual circumstance, concluded to make note of it. A letter from the Rawley Springs party .... They are pleased-have not yet exercised their powers of sanction to its fullnest extent as none of them have exceeded seven glassfuls a day. Sue, Ma and I attend old Uncle Sam Leitch's funeral on Thursday. The sermon was preached by Mr. Smith in the Baptist Church. ..His remains were then taken to the grave and buried with Masonic honors. He was above 90 years of age. Wrote to Miss Vallant. A large contribution to the Family Tree from cousin Minor Meriwether. He seems much interested in the work. A note from Cousin Fanny Hart who also offers to assist me in any way she can. Wrote to Brother Peter.