University of Virginia Library

July 12-18

Mr. Meade gives us an old sermon ....On Tuesday Aunt Ria, Uncle Sam, Miss Vallant, Aunt Sally and little Maggie arrived and the next day about dinner time Uncle Bob and that "lenghtened sweetness" Lizzie Dee drive up in "The Black Warrior." I have my first kiss from uncle Bob. We have a real jolly party. "The Myth Uncle Sam" is very English in his looks and rather reserved but very entertaining when drawn out. They all leave on Thursday, Aunt Sally and Uncle Bob for home and the rest of the party for the Springs while Sue and I, poor forlorn ones, are left behind. Still it's no use grieving but I'm much disappointed. Hear of the death of poor Mrs Taylor. How mysterious are the ways of Providence when a mother is taken and her children are left but He knowns all things well. Mary Lewis at home on Wednesday; suppose her school is over now for the session. On Saturday, Mary Lewis, Nannie and I attend Mrs. Taylor's burial at Monticello. A letter from James Lewis. He talks of visiting Virginia this summer; wishes me to recommend him to some Virginia ladies as Miss Ghose, his own, has slipped her bridle and left him in the lurch. A present from Aunt Ria of a set of gold buttons for our dresses.