The works of Sr William Davenant ... Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd for the Press: Now published Out of the Authors Originall Copies |
EPILOGUE to the King at Whitehall, at the Acting the Siege of Rhodes.
The works of Sr William Davenant | ||
EPILOGUE to the King at Whitehall, at the Acting the Siege of Rhodes.
If Mighty Sir, Your Goodness will do Grace,To the supream of Ottomans high Race,
Who so much honoured Vertue even in Foes,
That oft when conquer'd they did nothing lose.
If to that Beauty you will favor shew,
VVhich he ador'd and your lov'd Titian drew;
Roxana, who restor'd th' Hungarian Crown,
And nurs'd the Royal Infant as her own.
If you will favor that Sicilian VVife,
VVho oft her Honour, and her Husbands Life,
Sav'd by her Vertue, when the Victor strove,
At once to vanquish Rhodes and conquer Love.
If Rhodians from oblivion you'l redeem,
Rescuing their Fame, though none could rescue them;
VVhose valor there the highest VVonders wrought,
VVhere the brave Subjects of your Empire fought.
If these contracted, and in little shown,
You after conquest on the Scene will own;
Then Rhodes shall nobly gain by being lost;
And th' Ottomans may grieve whilst we may boast.
That they got less when they did Rhodes subdue,
Then now the Muses get by gaining you.
The works of Sr William Davenant | ||