University of Virginia Library

*85. Chap. I. Tse-chi [OMITTED] (Autobiography).

Wang Ch`ung is a native of Shang-yü-hsien in Chekiang. His
family originally lived in Chihli. He was born in a.d. 27, and already
as a boy was very fond of study. In his official career he was
not very successful. The highest post which he held about a.d. 86
was that of a sub-prefect. The equanimity of a philosopher helped
him over many disappointments. His ideal was to possess an extensive
knowledge, a keen intellect, and a noble mind. Besides his
chief work the Lun-hêng, he wrote 12 chapters on common morals
in a plain and easy style, and a treatise "Macrobiotics" in a.d. 91.
He defends the style, the voluminousness, and the contents of the
Lun-hêng against the attacks directed against it.