University of Virginia Library


Description of the Original Manuscript Journals and Field Notebooks
of | Lewis and Clark, on which was based Biddle's History of the
Expedi- | tion of 1804–6, and which are now in the possession of the
American | Philosophical Society in Philadelphia. |

8vo. Forms pp. 17–33 of the "Proceedings | of the | American Philosophical
Society | held at Philadelphia | for | Promoting Useful Knowledge. | Vol.
xxxi. | January to December, 1893. | Philadelphia: | Printed for the Society |
by MacCalla & Company. 1893." It is No. 140, which was printed March 4,

Described from a copy in AAS. It is also in CHC and WHS.[4]


A condensation of this article is given in the Appendix to the present edition.—Ed.