University of Virginia Library

March 1-7

Spend this week in town. Hear Mr. Meade on Sunday morning ....Go at night to the Presbyterian Church and hear Mr. Wilson....Had "Longfellow" to escort me. We were so fortunate as to get a seat very near Miss Gibbs and had the benefit of her voice. My head suffers in consequence. Had some friends to call and paid some visits myself. Attended one of Miss Gibb's concerts at the Hall. She has a fine voice but not powerful enough for a public singer. She was aided by Messrs Fry and D'Alfonces. Mr. Fry is a splendid performer on the piano and Mr. D'Alfonce sang "The Marseillaise" with a great deal of feeling. Have several glimpses of Henry. Cousin John Martin also spends an evening with us. On Saturday I visit Sue at Dr. Leiches when we are expected to dinner. Spend the night at Mr. John Woods. Have a pleasant time. Joe Perkins "yarns" for our amusement about Lizzie Wood being a belle at Xmas. Charlie gives us the "grass hopper in the garden." The dear little flowers that a week ago were so bright have all been snapped by an untimely frost and are now languishing and low. A slight snow storm on Thursday. The largest flakes I ever saw but this is an age of wonders. A letter from Tom Davis. Poor fellow, he seems to have been badly dealt with lately-his letter was very unsatisfactory. A letter also from Miss Vallant. She says Aunt Sally's health is very poorly.