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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents

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Tuesday June 3rd.. 1806

Our invalids are all on the recovery; bratten is much
stronger and can walk about with considerable ease. the Indian
chief appears to be gradually recovering the use of his
limbs, and the child is nearly well; the inflomation on his neck
continues but the swelling appears to subside, we still continue
the application, of the onion poltice. at 3 P. M. the
broker, arm and three wariors visited us and remained all night.
Colter, Jos Fields and Willard returned this evenmg with five
deer and one bear of the brown species; the hair of this was
black with a large white spot on the breast containing a small
circular black spot. (this species of bear is smaller than our
common black bear) this was a female bear and as our hunters
informed us had cubs last year, this they judged from the length
and size of her tits &c. this bear I am confident is not larger
than the yerlin [yearling] cubs of our country. To day the
Indians dispatched an express over the mountains to Travellers
rest or to the neighbourhood of that creek on Clark's river in
order to learn from a band of Flat-Heads who inhabit that river
and who have probably wintered on Clarks river near the enterance
of travellers rest Creek, the occurencs which have taken
place on the East side of the mountains dureing the last winter.
this is the band which we first met with on that river. the


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mountains being practicable for this express we thought it
probable that we could also pass, but the Chiefs informs us
that several of the Creek's would yet swim our horses, that
there was no grass and that the road was extreemly deep and
slipery; they inform us that we may pass conveniently in
twelve or fourteen davs. we have come to a resolution to
remove from hence to the quawmash Grounds beyond Colins
Creek on the 10th. to hunt in that neighbourhood a fiew days,
if possible lay in a stock of meat, and then attempt the mountains
about the middle of this month. I begin to lose all hope
of any dependance on the Salmon as this river will not fall
sufficiently to take them before we shall leave it, and as yet I
see no appearance of their running near the shore as the indians
informed us they would in the course of a fiew days. I
find that all the Salmon which they precure themselves they
obtain on Lewis's river, and the distance thither is too great
for us to think of sending after them, even had we merchendize
with which to purchase the salmon.