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84. A New-Year Song of the Nativity


Sloane MS. 2593

A new ȝer, A newe ȝer a chyld was I-born,
vs for to sauyn þat al was for-lorn,
so blyssid be þe tyme!


þe fader of heuene his owyn sone he sent,
his kyngdam for to cleymyn,
so blyssid be þe tyme!
al in a clene maydyn our lord was I-lyȝt,
vs for to sauyn wiþ al his myȝt,
so blyssid, &c.
al of a clene maydyn our lord was I-born,
vs for to sauyn þat al was for-lorn,
so blyssid, &c.
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, myn owyn dere fode,
how xalt þu sufferin be naylid on þe rode?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, myn owyn dere smerte,
how xalt þu sufferin þe scharp spere to þi herte?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytyl child, I synge al for þi sake.
many on is þe scharpe schour to þi body is schape
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytyl child, fayre happis þe be-falle,
how xal þu sufferin to drynke ezyl & galle?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, I synge al be-forn,
how xalt þu sufferin þe scharp garlong of þorn?
[so blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, qwy wepy þu so sore
& art þu boþin god & man—quat woldyst þu be more?
so [blyssid, &c.]
blyssid be þe armys þe chyld bar abowte,
& also þe tetis þe chyld on sowkyd,
so [blyssid, &c.]
blyssid be þe moder, þe chyld also
Wiþ bene-dicamus domino,
so blyssid be þe tyme!