University of Virginia Library

PAW-NEE PICTS. (Tow-e-ahge.)

  • 37 Wee-ta-ra-sha-ro. Chief; an old and very venerable
    man. This man embraced Col. Dodge in
    Council, and treated the Dragoons with great kindness
    in his village.

  • 38 Kah-kee-tsee, (a Woman)—The Thighs.

  • 39 She-de-ah, (Woman)—Wild Sage. Both of these
    women were prisoners amongst the Osages; were
    purchased by the Rev. Mr. Schermerhorn, Indian
    Comm'r. and sent home to the nation by the Dragoons.

  • 40 Sky-se-ro-ka. Second Chief of the Pawnee Picts, or

  • 41 Kid-a-day.—A brave of distinction.

  • 42 Ah-sho-cole.—Rotten foot. A Warrior.

  • 43 Ah-re-kah-na-ko-chee, (the younger)—The Mad Elk.